Building bridges before loved ones pass - personal perspective: The loss of a loved one

06/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Building bridges before loved ones pass - personal perspective: The loss of a loved one 
Psychology Today; by Sarah Rayner; 6/10/24 
... Last year I lost my mother ...  The only parent I have left is my stepmother. We have had our rows over the years, as she would leap to defend my father so swiftly. Now I appreciate that this was because she loved him deeply and committedly. ... From what I can see, she is going to be with us for a few years. She is an intellectual force of nature and at 88 was granted an honorary doctorate. ... “Wow,” I said, impressed. “You are an inspiration.” She brushed off the compliment. “I’m nothing. You should see my friend, Pam, she is 100! We all have to die sometime," she said. "We have to make way for the next generation." ... t's worth building bridges before loved ones pass. But whether you love or hate your parents, I believe it is often worth building bridges before they pass away, for the sake of both parties. Few people want to look back on the final encounter they had with a loved one regretting all the words left unsaid.

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