Of Mice and Meaning: Multidisciplinary perspectives on the interconnectedness of pain, stress, and suffering

06/17/24 at 03:00 AM

Of Mice and Meaning: Multidisciplinary perspectives on the interconnectedness of pain, stress, and suffering 
The Free Library; by Claire Woodward and Taylor Woodward, Indiana University Bloomington; 6/13/24 
... We are siblings and scholars from seemingly disparate disciplines (one in humanities and one in neurobiology), yet we are both engaged in work to understand--and ultimately alleviate--various facets of pain and suffering. We currently work in two different laboratories at the same institution (Indiana University). Taylor works in a lab with mice and Claire works in a lab on storytelling. Our scholarship includes interpreting reactions to pain, stress, and suffering, both felt and observed, behavioral and aesthetic. Such observations provide further insights into understanding how the mind and the brain process pain and suffering. ...

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