A paradigm shift for healthtech CEOs: Increasing patient satisfaction and retention

06/26/24 at 03:00 AM

A paradigm shift for healthtech CEOs: Increasing patient satisfaction and retention 
Forbes; by Eric Giesecke; 6/24/24
In our hyperconnected world, seamless communication is the norm. From the latest news to customer service chats, consumers expect streamlined interactions. However, the healthcare and healthtech industries have lagged in adopting consumer-friendly practices. ... A patient’s experience is extremely important for healthcare organizations to thrive. It’s important to remember that in the digital age, competitors are not just other healthcare companies. ... So how can we customize experiences better than ever before? One important step is taking the time to understand your organization's current technology. ...

  1. Conduct a technology audit. ...
  2. Engage key stakeholders. ...
  3. Develop a clear implementation plan. ...
  4. Provide comprehensive training. ...
  5. Utilize existing resources. ...

Adopting a Consumerism Mindset ...

  1. Enhance communication and transparency. ...
  2. Implement continuous training programs. ...
  3. Personalize patient interactions. ...
  4. Integrate patient education. ...
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