Palliative care physician: ‘Healing is possible’ even when cure is not

06/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Palliative care physician: ‘Healing is possible’ even when cure is not 
Healio, Chicago, IL; by Jennifer Byrne; 6/26/24
During her fellowship as a palliative care physician, Sunita Puri, MD, met a patient who taught her that healing is possible even when cure is not. Alice, a 35-year-old woman, had acute myeloid leukemia. ... Nobody wanted to say it out loud, but Alice was dying. “She was only a couple years older than me. She’d lived in San Francisco, a few streets away from where I lived in my residency,” Puri, program director of the hospice and palliative medicine fellowship program at UMass Chan School of Medicine. ... “She had a vibrancy that I had always hoped to embody, but she was intubated, wide awake, on dialysis and starting to suffer from ascending paralysis.” ... During rounds one day, Puri told her attending that she was at a loss about how to help Alice and didn’t feel she was doing anything meaningful for her. “My attending said, ‘What if just being at her bedside is achieving something meaningful?’” Puri recalled. “I’d always understood healing and cure to be different, but this was when I really felt it.” ... “What if healing is choosing to understand that there’s going to be suffering that we can’t alleviate — and sometimes that’s our own — but the most important thing to bring to that is presence?” she said. [Click on the article's title to continue reading.] 
Editor's Note: Though not directly related to this article, read "Today's Encouragement" at the end of today's newsletter.

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