Should all healthcare workers take the Hippocratic Oath?

06/05/24 at 03:00 AM

Should all healthcare workers take the Hippocratic Oath? 
Becker's Hospital Review; Madeline Ashley; 5/29/24 
As private equity expands across the healthcare industry and proper patient care is brought into question, Don Berwick, MD, a Harvard Medical School health policy lecturer in Boston and former CMS administrator during the Obama administration, called for an extended Hippocratic Oath for all who work in healthcare. During an April 3 senate hearing in Boston, titled, "When Health Care Becomes Wealth Care: How Corporate Greed Puts Patient Care and Health Workers at Risk," Dr. Berwick spoke passionately about how patient needs have been put on the backburner, but should be the No. 1 priority in healthcare. "That principle, the needs of the patient come first, should apply to and be enforced by law in every single agent in the world of care," Dr. Berwick said during the hearing. "Not just clinicians but also organizations, payers, entrepreneurs and investors. At the moment we are dropping that ball."
Publisher's Note: At first blush, this article makes a lot of sense - the needs of the patient come first. However, it quickly becomes complicated. There's tension between "patient first" and "no money no mission". There's tension between "patient first" and "public health" (thinking about COVID here). And there's tension between which version of the Hippocratic Oath you subscribe to, if any. There is a NIH Greek translation that some may find objectionable; there is a Modern Version by Louis Lasagna that many medical schools use; and there are other versions. As always, we appreciate your feedback.

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