[Korea] A prospective, single-cohort, open, multi-center, observational study of sublingual fentanyl for breakthrough cancer pain: Effectiveness, safety, and tolerability in Korean cancer patients

01/11/25 at 03:05 AM

[Korea] A prospective, single-cohort, open, multi-center, observational study of sublingual fentanyl for breakthrough cancer pain: Effectiveness, safety, and tolerability in Korean cancer patients
Cancer Research and Treatment; Youn Seon Choi, Su-Jin Koh, Woo Kyun Bae, Se Hyung Kim, Seong Hoon Shin, So Yeon Oh, Sang Byung Bae, Yaewon Yang, Eun-Kee Song, Yoon Young Cho, Pyung Bok Lee, Ho-Suk Oh, MinYoung Lee, Jin Seok Ahn; 12/24
Fentanyl, a highly lipophilic opioid, was developed as a sublingual fentanyl tablet (SFT) for the management of breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP), and its efficacy and safety were confirmed in a randomized, controlled study. In a real-world setting, SFT provides rapid and effective analgesia in BTcP, even at the lowest dose (100 μg), and the safety profile was acceptable.

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