Literature Review
CMS is taking action to address benefit integrity issues related to hospice care
08/28/24 at 02:00 AMCMS is taking action to address benefit integrity issues related to hospice care CMS Newsroom; by Dara A. Corrigan and Dora L. Hughes, MD, MPH; 8/22/24... Unfortunately, hospices are profiting from fraud at the expense of beneficiaries far too often. Recent media reporting, and research by CMS, have identified instances of hospices certifying patients for hospice care when they were not terminally ill and providing little to no services to patients. The media reports identified that these activities led to a rapid growth in potentially fraudulent hospices, particularly in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Texas. Some of the addresses listed for these hospices also appeared to be non-operational. ... In response to these findings, CMS revisited and revitalized our hospice program integrity strategy, focusing on identifying bad actors and addressing fraudulent activity to minimize impacts to beneficiaries in the Medicare program. As part of this strategy, CMS embarked on a nationwide hospice site visit project, making unannounced site visits to every Medicare-enrolled hospice. [Click here to continue reading this significant information from CMS.]
Determining the ROI of Change
08/28/24 at 02:00 AMDetermining the ROI of Change Retail Touch Points; by Allison Torpey; 8/27/24 ... [While] most leaders readily accept that they need to spend money on things like system configurations, vendor contracts and project managers to oversee product rollouts, they’re often hesitant to invest in the change management resources required to accelerate transformation and ensure adoption. And when belts are tightened, change management is often the first thing to go. In many cases, that’s due to a lack of awareness of the return on investment (ROI) of change management and how to measure it. ... Here's how to get started.
Couple marry in ICU an hour before bride’s father takes his last breath
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMCouple marry in ICU an hour before bride’s father takes his last breath Our Community Now, North Providence, RI; by OCN staff; 8/22/24 A Rhode Island hospital held an emergency wedding that had to be performed before the bride’s father died from muscular dystrophy. Sabrina Silveira-DaCosta says her father, 58-year-old Frank Silveira, was Portuguese-born and raised, a serious chef and a five-star dad. ... With Silveira’s health rapidly declining, his family realized he wasn’t going to make it his daughter’s wedding on Sep. 7, so plans changed. “Everyone was able to bring the wedding to him in the hospital, and he got to walk me down the aisle,” Silveira-DaCosta said. From his intensive care unit bed, Silveira escorted his daughter down the hospital hallway Monday into the hands of her fiancé, Sam DaCosta. ... Silveira-DaCosta’s father died about an hour after he walked her down the aisle. “It’s very complex. It’s a lot of emotion. Our community hospitals don’t get enough credit because any big hospital couldn’t have done this for us,” she said.
Hospice student volunteers gain insight into dementia
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMHospice student volunteers gain insight into dementia Ahwatukee Foothills News; by Lin Sue Flood; 8/23/24 Once a week, graduate nursing student Merle Tamondong pauses her busy college life to visit Micheline Schulte. They color together, play Micheline’s favorite songs and chat in French, her native language. “When I come here, the only time I’m on my phone is when I’m playing some music, which Micheline likes when we are coloring,” Merle said. “I feel very lucky.” Merle is part of Hospice of the Valley’s College Partners Program, an innovative collaboration with Maricopa Community Colleges, Arizona State University and other schools to provide socialization to people living with dementia and a much-needed break to family caregivers. Hospice of the Valley’s dementia and volunteer departments spearheaded this intergenerational program to help inspire careers in dementia care. ... To date, 106 students have been trained and paired with 123 patients since College Partners launched in 2021 with a grant from Community Care Corps.
TN church helps pay off $8M in medical debt
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMTN church helps pay off $8M in medical debt, Johnson City, TN; by Kenzie Hagood and Jayonna Scurry; 8/22/24 A Tennessee church paid off around $8 million in community members’ medical debt in partnership with a national program. The Altar Fellowship Church is changing many lives across the Tri-Cities by helping people relieve medical debt. ... Senior Pastor Mattie Montgomery cast the vision to his church years after losing his father. “The story meant so much like to our senior pastor, Pastor Matty, because [he lost] his father to cancer at the young age of eight,” Morrison [another pastor] said. “And while he was on hospice care at home, a businessman from their town bought Christmas gifts for their entire family. And so that was an inspiration for him ..." The church raised about $50,000 in one day, unknowingly helping to pay off the debts of some of its own congregation.
A place for peace; After a year closed, Homestead Hospice House is working to reopen
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMA place for peace; After a year closed, Homestead Hospice House is working to reopen[Southern MN] People's Press; by Annie Harman; 8/23/24The news came to a shock to the community when it was announced last summer the Homestead Hospice House atop the hill behind the Owatonna Hospital would be closing. But, as with most things, there is a silver lining, and the Hospice House Board asserted the closure of the facility would lead to a new opportunity. “When we got the news it was shocking, but we always hoped it would lead us to a better situation,” said Kasey Kamholz, president of the HHH Board, on the decision by Allina Health to discontinue services at the facility in 2023. “Now we have an opportunity with Seasons Hospice that feels like a perfect marriage. They will bring their experience a little further out, and in the end it will benefit everyone.” Seasons Hospice, a nonprofit hospice care organization based out of Rochester, moved into Steele County to provide services in Owatonna and Blooming Prairie in April. With home-based services being their current program provided locally, including at a private residence or a senior living facility, Executive Director Kristina Wright-Peterson said they identified early on an interest to partner with the HHH Board, also a nonprofit, to reopen the Owatonna facility. Seasons Hospice has a 24-hour care facility in Rochester, Seasons Hospice House.
Amedisys CIO Michael North exits with $3m severance package
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMAmedisys CIO Michael North exits with $3m severance package TipRanks; announcement provided by Amedisys; 8/22/24 Amedisys, Inc. is seeing the departure of its Chief Information Officer, Michael P. North, at the end of August 2024. He will be leaving with a substantial severance package worth over $3 million, provided he adheres to the terms of the mutual separation agreement. This agreement is still subject to a revocation period and will be detailed further in the company’s upcoming quarterly report.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Steve Landers, MD, MPH, Named Inaugural Chief Executive Officer of NAHC-NHPCO Alliance
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Steve Landers, MD, MPH, Named Inaugural Chief Executive Officer of NAHC-NHPCO Alliance NAHC-NHPCO Alliance Press Release, Alexandria, VA and Washington, DC; by Elyssa Katz and Thomas Threlkeld; 8/26/24, 9:36 am ET Steven Landers, MD, MPH, has been named the inaugural Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the newly merged NAHC-NHPCO Alliance (The Alliance). A recognized national leader and innovator in home health, primary care and aging services, Dr. Landers brings almost two decades of experience as a physician, executive leader and health policy advocate to The Alliance, which represents care at home and community providers across the country. ... “The Alliance members provide a wide range of high-quality home- and community-based services that promote comfort, dignity and independence. I’m so proud to become a part of this organization, and am eager to serve,” said Dr. Landers. “I’ve had the opportunity in my career to see the health care industry from many vantage points, and in this new role with The Alliance, I will use all that I have learned to make a difference for our members as we continue to expand to meet the growing public needs for our care.”
Between the hospital and the street: Addressing a crucial gap in care
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMBetween the hospital and the street: Addressing a crucial gap in care; by Eric Wisklund; 8/23/24 A unique program in Salt Lake City is managing care for underserved patients who live on the street or in an unsafe location, and helping hospitals reduce ED crowding, improve care coordination and reduce costs in the process. The INN Between is a nine-year-old program that began as a 16-bed Catholic convent and is now an 80-bed “assisted living facility” of sorts, offering everything from hospice care to rehabilitation and care management services. The organization addresses a significant care gap for health systems and hospitals who see these patients in their Emergency Departments and ICUs—and who often discharge them to an uncertain care landscape. ... The INN Between, which operates year-to-year on a budget of $1.6 million (recently cut down from $2 million), exists on a mishmash of charitable donations, grants, and the occasional federal or state subsidy. Editor's Note: Pair this compassionate solution with the scathing article about hospice fraud and abuse of homeless persons, Fraudulent hospices reportedly target homeless people, methadone patients to pad census, by Jim Parker at Hospice News.
Doctors saved her life. She didn’t want them to.
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMDoctors saved her life. She didn’t want them to. DNYUZ; by Kate Raphael; 8/26/24 Marie Cooper led her life according to her Christian faith. ... [And, she] always said that at the end of her life, she did not want to be resuscitated. ... Last winter, doctors found cancer cells in her stomach. She’d had “do not resuscitate” and “do not intubate” orders on file for decades and had just filled out new copies, instructing medical staff to withhold measures to restart her heart if it stopped, and to never give her a breathing tube. In February, Ms. Cooper walked into the hospital for a routine stomach scope to determine the severity of the cancer. After the procedure, [Ms. Cooper's daughter] visited her mother in the recovery room and saw her in a panic. ... [The daughter] called for help and was ushered to a waiting room while the medical team called an emergency code. Ms. Cooper grew even more distressed and “uncooperative,” according to medical records. Doctors restrained her and inserted a breathing tube down her throat, violating the wishes outlined in her medical chart. Ms. Uphold, livid, confronted the doctors, who could not explain why Ms. Cooper had been intubated. ...
Today's Encouragement: Rarely are opportunities presented to you in the perfect way ...
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMRarely are opportunities presented to you in the perfect way, in a nice little box with a yellow bow on top. ... Opportunities, the good ones, they're messy and confusing and hard to recognize. They're risky. They challenge you. ~ Susan Wojcicki [Click here to read Susan's role in creating Google in 1998, and her more recent role as YouTube's CEO, 2014-2023.]
Leverage CAHPS Hospice changes for higher response rates, boosted scores
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMLeverage CAHPS Hospice changes for higher response rates, boosted scores Home Health Line; by MaryKent Wolff; 8/22/24 Emphasize the importance of upcoming changes to the CAHPS Hospice Survey and distribution process when educating staff, as hospice agencies will be required to implement assessment modifications finalized for implementation with April 2025 decedents. Providers could see significant improvements to response rates once these changes are in place. [Subscription required]
Improving post-hospital care of older cancer patients
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMImproving post-hospital care of older cancer patients Cancer Health; by University of Colorado Cancer Center and Greg Glasgow; 8/26/24 A few years ago, University of Colorado Cancer Center member and hospitalist Sarguni Singh, MD, began to notice a troubling trend: Older adults with cancer who were leaving the hospital for skilled nursing facilities after treatment were being readmitted to the hospital or having worse outcomes while in rehabilitation. ... Singh knew of an intervention called Assessing and Listening to Individual Goals and Needs (ALIGN) — a palliative care social worker-led protocol aimed at improving quality of life, aligning goals of care, and providing support to patients and caregivers — and she began using it for cancer care. ... The results were overwhelmingly positive, and patients and caregivers told us, ‘This was so helpful,’” says Singh, associate professor of hospital medicine in the CU School of Medicine.
Hospices facilities launch, renovate with growth in mind: Julia Hospice and Palliative refuels de novo plans
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMHospices facilities launch, renovate with growth in mind: Julia Hospice & Palliative refuels de novo plans Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 8/23/24 Pennsylvania-based Julia Hospice & Palliative (JHPC) has reignited plans to launch a de novo after experiencing pandemic-related setbacks. Dubbed Julia House, the facility will provide inpatient hospice and serve as an outpatient palliative care clinic. It will be the first hospice center in Erie County, Pennsylvania, the provider indicated. The new location will allow for improved support for serious and terminally ill patients that lack caregiver support or need higher levels of care, said Dr. Christopher Strzalka, medical director at Julia Hospice & Palliative Care. “For people who don’t have a caregiver in their home, we can put them in our facility and they can live there until their natural death, and they’ll have access to specially trained caregivers in end-of-life care,” Strzalka told local news.
My dad had an Advance Directive. He still had to fight to die
08/27/24 at 03:00 AMMy Dad had an Advance Directive. He still had to fight to die Newsweek - My Turn; by Maggie Schneider Huston; 8/26/24 My mom died peacefully. My dad died 72 days later, angry at the doctors for ignoring his wishes. ... Dad had heart surgery on December 20, 2023. An hour after the surgery ended, his vital systems started shutting down. A cascade of interventions, one after another, kept him alive. Four days later, he said: "Put me on hospice." The doctor dismissed this request, rolling his eyes and saying: "Everyone on a ventilator says that." On Christmas Day, my father asked for hospice again. He was in pain. He knew his recovery would be long and ultimately futile. He would never have an acceptable quality of life again. ... Dad's care team insisted palliative care was the same as hospice care, but he knew the difference. He wanted hospice care. Finally, they reluctantly agreed and called for a social worker to make arrangements. It wasn't necessary. Once they removed his treatment and relieved his pain, he died five hours later. ... Editor's Note: This article is not about Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD). It is about honoring Advance Directives, person-centered care with communications and actions related to "palliative" vs. "hospice" care.
Avoid these mistakes in palliative care to enhance your loved one's well-being
08/27/24 at 02:00 AMAvoid these mistakes in palliative care to enhance your loved one's well-being Leesville Leader, Lake Charles, LA; by Evertise Digital; 8/26/24 For people with life-threatening diseases, palliative care is crucial in providing comfort and improving quality of life. It’s essential to focus on the details and avoid common mistakes in order to deliver good treatment. Mistakes in palliative care can inadvertently cause discomfort or diminish the quality of the support provided. It’s critical to recognize and steer clear of certain mistakes to guarantee that your loved one receives the finest treatment possible. By focusing on these key areas, you can enhance their well-being and provide the compassionate, attentive care they need during this challenging time.
NPHI congratulates Dr. Steven Landers on his appointment as CEO of the NAHC-NHPCO Alliance
08/27/24 at 02:00 AMNPHI congratulates Dr. Steven Landers on his appointment as CEO of the NAHC-NHPCO AllianceNational Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation (NPHI); by Rom Koutsoumpas and Carole Fisher; 8/26/24 Senior leaders of the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation, the national voice for nonprofit advanced illness care, shared the following statement regarding the appointment of Dr. Steven Landers as the inaugural CEO of the newly merged NAHC-NHPCO Alliance:
Longtime Michigan baseball coach receives quilt made of old uniforms
08/26/24 at 03:15 AMLongtime Michigan baseball coach receives quilt made of old uniforms Fox2 Detroit; by Scott Wolchek; 8/22/24 Coach Gary Szalka is now 77 years old, and is in the final stages of Parkinson’s disease. He is living out the rest of his days in hospice care, but was recently surprised with a quilt made out of all of his old uniforms.
Sophisticated caregiver training remains an underutilized retention, ROI tool
08/26/24 at 03:00 AMSophisticated caregiver training remains an underutilized retention, ROI tool Home Health Care News; by Audrie Martin; 8/22/24 ... [Only] 43.8% of home-based care staff and 55% of home health and hospice staff feel prepared to care for new clients, according to the 2024 Activated Insights Benchmarking Report. As a possible result, the annual care staff turnover rate has climbed 14% in the last two years to almost 80%. Organizations demonstrating a commitment to continuing education improve employee satisfaction by allowing caregivers to hone their skills and grow in their careers. Investing in employees’ long-term success will impart a sense of purpose and possibility within a role known for turnover and burnout. “The average home-based care provider offers five hours of orientation and eight hours of ongoing training,” the report read. “Those who offer at least eight orientation hours and 12 hours of ongoing training see an increase of $1,103,291 in revenue. However, while establishing a clear path is one of the top strategies to retaining long-term employees, only 39% of providers have one.”
The surprising truth about who opts for palliative care
08/26/24 at 03:00 AMThe surprising truth about who opts for palliative carePsychology Today; by Jer Clifton; 8/23/24A study of 407 cancer patients says palliative care is a final act of hope. Many people avoid palliative care (non-curative pain relief at end-of-life) because they see it as giving up. In past studies, two beliefs were tied to giving up: seeing the world as ugly and where little can be changed. But new study of 407 cancer patients ties wanting palliative care to seeing a beautiful and malleable world. Researchers speculate: on even the final road to death, hopeful patients may see much to cherish, even enjoy.
Cancer treatment 101: A primer for non-oncologists
08/26/24 at 03:00 AMCancer treatment 101: A primer for non-oncologists Medscape; by George D. Lundberg, MD; 8/22/24 Each year in the United States, approximately 1.7 million Americans are diagnosed with a potentially lethal malignancy. Typical therapies of choice include surgery, radiation, and occasionally, toxic chemotherapy (chemo) — approaches that eliminate the cancer in about 1,000,000 of these cases. The remaining 700,000 or so often proceed to chemotherapy either immediately or upon cancer recurrence, spread, or newly recognized metastases. ... I'm speaking in generalities, understanding that each cancer and each patient is unique. [Dr. Lundberg summarizes in user-friendly language:]
Fraudulent hospices reportedly target homeless people, methadone patients to pad census
08/26/24 at 03:00 AMFraudulent hospices reportedly target homeless people, methadone patients to pad census Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 8/23/24 Fraudulent hospices in California reportedly have been targeting homeless people and methadone patients, promising them a steady supply of opioids in exchange for enrolling in hospice. Three hospice leaders came forward to Hospice News to report these practices. According to their reports, unscrupulous providers have canvassed both homeless encampments and methadone clinics seeking to sign up patients who are not terminally ill. In many cases, the sources said, these operators offer patients free access to board-and-care facilities and a daily supply of morphine. Another frequent practice among these hospices is to offer patients cash or other items in addition to drugs, they said. “This conduct raises serious fraud concerns on kickbacks or gifts to beneficiaries who do not appear to qualify for hospice,” Bill Dombi, president of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC), told Hospice News. “More importantly, this conduct is predatory, taking advantage of individuals in addiction. Jail time is not enough punishment for the harm that such conduct creates.”Editor's Note: This is abhorrable. Click on the title's link to read more. While John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" episode on 8/18/24 gained criticism from many hospice leaders, these fraudulent unethical behaviors (and others') lay the groundwork for such dire distrust from the public. These organizations' behaviors must be stopped. These organizations must be held accountable.
How to integrate AI into your business: A 2024 guide
08/26/24 at 03:00 AMHow to integrate AI into your business: A 2024 guide eWeek; by Sam Rinko; 8/22/24 If you’re an IT professional or executive, the question of how to integrate AI into your business has probably been top of mind since the recent generative AI boom. You know you should be using AI tools to improve your operational efficiency, but you might worry you lack the policies, data quality and implementation strategy to do so effectively. ... Key Takeaways:
False Claims Act decisions to know from Q2 2024
08/26/24 at 03:00 AMFalse Claims Act decisions to know from Q2 2024 JD Supra; by Bass, Berry & Sis PLC; 8/22/24 In case you missed it, this post recaps some key False Claims Act (FCA) decisions and case updates from the second quarter of this year. Courts weighed in on the FCA’s anti-retaliation provision, its first-to-file bar, and issues around judgments and awards. ... In U.S. ex rel. Rosales v. Amedisys, Inc., the relator alleged that Amedisys, a hospice operator, falsely certified patients as terminally ill and submitted claims for reimbursement to Medicare and North Carolina Medicaid for patients who were not properly eligible for hospice care. Amedisys filed a motion to dismiss Rosales’ Amended Complaint for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction, ...
Home health care agency going through changes
08/26/24 at 03:00 AMHome health care agency going through changes; by Todd Pittenger; 8/22/24 According to Memorial Health System of Abilene, Home Health & Hospice of Dickinson County (HH&H) has covered many miles throughout Dickinson, Morris, and Marion counties for many years. ... While it was never about profit and more about going the extra mile to take care of the people in the community, the small agency can no longer support the supply and demand of what it takes to provide these services. They have taken a loss for several years and can no longer sustain that loss. Home Health & Hospice of Dickinson County is not closing. Their local staff is proud to be the only agency in the community that provides the kind of quality care to neighbors, friends, and family, and will continue to do so. HH&H has been in contact with multiple agencies that can assist patients to locate agencies or individuals who can provide these types of services and they are ready to assist. [List of resources]