Literature Review

Saturday newsletters

08/31/24 at 03:00 AM

Saturday newsletters focus on headlines and research - enjoy!

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Modeling nursing home harms from COVID-19 staff furlough policies

08/31/24 at 03:00 AM

Modeling nursing home harms from COVID-19 staff furlough policiesJAMA Open Network; by Sarah M Bartsch, Colleen Weatherwax, Bruce Leff, Michael R Wasserman, Raveena D Singh, Kavya Velmurugan, Danielle C John, Kevin L Chin, Kelly J O'Shea, Gabrielle M Gussin, Marie F Martinez, Jessie L Heneghan, Sheryl A Scannell, Tej D Shah, Susan S Huang, Bruce Y Lee; 8/24What is the tradeoff between COVID-19–related harms and non–COVID-19–related harms when allowing nursing home staff with mild COVID-19 to work while masked? The findings of this study suggest that allowing nursing home staff who were mildly ill with COVID-19 to work while masked was associated with less harm from alleviated missed tasks, outweighing increasing harm from COVID-19 transmission.

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Updated Care Compare for Hospice released

08/30/24 at 03:05 AM

Updated Care Compare for Hospice ReleasedCMS website; 8/28/24Publisher's note: See link above to access updated Care Compare for Hospice publicly reported quality measures.

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Today's Encouragement: There is no wisdom without ...

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

There is no wisdom without leisure. ~ W. B. YeatsEditor's Note: Hospice & Palliative Care News Today wishes you a wonderful Labor Day weekend. 

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‘Keep going’: Wish to ride horse granted for woman with cancer

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

‘Keep going’: Wish to ride horse granted for woman with cancer WDTN Dayton, Huber Heights, Ohio; by Allison Gen; 8/28/24 A Miami Valley woman with terminal cancer got a little help to check a goal off her bucket list. She wanted to ride a horse again. Wednesday afternoon, her wish was granted at the Carriage Hill MetroPark Riding Center. Brenda Garramone has stage four bone cancer. ... “I’m out here for everybody else that’s got cancer,” Garramone said. A few weeks ago she was taken into the care of Grace Hospice. Garramone grew up around horses on a dairy farm in Oregon. That’s why after her terminal diagnosis, she wanted to have a chance to ride again. “We learned through her interactions with her nurse that her last wish was to spend time with a horse again,” Emily O’Flynn, Grace Hospice office manager and social work intern, said.

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Meet Germany’s biographer of the dying

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Meet Germany’s biographer of the dying WhatFingerNews,; YouTube video with English voiceover; 8/26/24 Sabrina Görlitz writes biographies about people on their deathbeds. In a hospice, she meets Gisela—an 87-year-old woman sharing her personal story for posterity.

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Hospice care standards are important. Congress must be careful tinkering with them.

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospice care standards are important. Congress must be careful tinkering with them., Special to the USA TODAY Network; by Patrick Maron; 8/28/24... As hospice care grows, real attention needs to be paid to the differences between nonprofit and for-profit centers.  [A] staggering  73%  of hospice programs today are for-profit and are driven by financial motives, ... Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, is drafting legislation that, if enacted, would represent the most significant reforms to date for hospice payment and oversight. Though Blumenauer’s bill, the Hospice Care Accountability, Reform, and Enforcement — or Hospice CARE — Act, is still in development, key provisions will likely include a new payment mechanism for high-acuity palliative services, changes to the per-diem payment process and actions to improve quality and combat fraud. The bill would also implement a temporary, national moratorium on the enrollment of new hospices into Medicare, to help stem the tide of fraudulent activities ... However, there are significant challenges for nonprofit freestanding inpatient hospice facilities like Villa Marie Claire in Saddle River. Most important, the proposed five-year moratorium on enrolling new hospice programs into Medicare could limit our ability to expand services, straining resources of the Villa ... What’s more, the legislation mandates more frequent inspections and enhanced oversight, which could lead to operational stress and higher costs. [Click on the title's link to continue reading.]

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TCN podcast: Mapping the Future via the Mission with John McBeth

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

TCN podcast: Mapping the Future via the Mission with John McBeth Teleios Collaborative Network (TCN); podcast hosted by Chris Comeaux, with John McBeth; 8/28/24 In this episode of the Anatomy of Leadership podcast, John McBeth, Former Co-founder and CEO of Next Century Corporation, shares his journey in the technology industry, from software engineer to CEO roles. McBeth emphasizes the importance of creating high-performance organizations and having a great and worthy purpose.  He discusses his experience with Vistage where he met Dr. Lee Thayer and the profound impact of working with Dr. Thayer had on him and his organizations. McBeth also shares the inspirational story of starting Next Century Corporation and their mission to protect the country and save lives through real-time actionable information.  The conversation emphasized the importance of mission and purpose in mapping the future for both individuals and organizations.

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Rounds with Leadership: Focusing on the outcomes of NP practice

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Rounds with Leadership: Focusing on the outcomes of NP practice American Association of Colleges of Nursing - The Voice of Academic Nursing; by American Colleges of Nursing (AACN); 8/28/24 ... In a synopsis of more than 50 research studies, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners found that patients under the care of NPs have fewer unnecessary hospital readmissions, higher patient satisfaction scores, and fewer unnecessary emergency room visits than patients under the care of physicians only. Recent studies have shown that ... NPs engaging in end-of-life care had fewer hospitalizations and higher hospice use; ... Despite such compelling evidence, challenges to NP education and practice continue. More than 20 states have yet to grant full scope of practice authority to NPs, denying these expert clinicians the opportunity to exercise the full range of their clinical expertise.

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Bon Secours Mercy Health partners with private equity-owned provider

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Bon Secours Mercy Health partners with private equity-owned provider[VA] VPM; by Adrienne Hoar McGibbon; 8/27/24There is a growing demand for hospice care in Virginia. 40,000 people received hospice care in the state in 2023, according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The joint venture with Compassus plans for expanded hospice and home health care. Bon Secours Mercy Health’s home health and hospice care division is teaming up with national home health care provider Compassus as part of a newly minted partnership. The home health and hospice program will now be called Bon Secours Home Care and Hospice by Compassus... The merger will also impact BSMH locations in Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio and South Carolina.

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Grief Memoir: ‘It was my turn to do everything for her’

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Grief Memoir: ‘It was my turn to do everything for her We Are The Mighty; by Jessica Hall; 8/28/24 ... I joined the phone call with the doctor where he told us all the worst news. The cancer was growing everywhere along the spine. ... He told us that it was time for hospice. ... Even though I had been preparing for this for months, I was truly not ready to go from child to caretaker. ... For my entire life, my mom had cared for me. She had been there when I was sick or hurt. She cleaned my house (sometimes to my chagrin). She cooked my favorite meals and she let me take breaks. Now it was my turn to do everything for her. It hit me like a ton of bricks, but I also just knew that I had to do it. We all had to do everything for her to make her final days easy for her. Hospice came by to get everything set up. ... [Click on the title's link to continue reading this beautiful, personal story.]Editor's Note: Calling all hospice executive leaders who do not have clinical, direct patient care experience--read this article to grasp common family dynamics, decisions, actions, emotions, and life-changing moments for each patient you serve. Multiply this out for the many family members of each patient you serve. How do your hospice services tune into and support these family members?

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Share QR code with colleagues to register for our newsletter

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Share this QR code with your colleagues to register for our free, national newsletter

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Illinois Medicaid launches Program of All-Inclusive Care for the elderly

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Illinois Medicaid launches Program of All-Inclusive Care for the elderly Open Minds, Gettsburg, PA; 8/28/24 On August 15, 2022, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) announced the launch of the Medicare-Medicaid Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) in five regions. The Illinois PACE contracts were awarded in June 2024 by HFS and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). PACE is a Medicare and Medicaid risk-based care program that offers comprehensive, team-based medical and social services for adults age 55 and older through collaborating health care agencies. 

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Awards and Recognitions: August 2024

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Awards and Recognitions: August 2024 We congratulate these honorees and celebrate their contributions to our collective hospice and palliative care mission, vision, and compassionate care throughout our world. Do you know any of these leaders? We encourage you to forward this to them or to find another way to celebrate their success. (We are piloting this as a monthly feature in Hospice & Palliative Care Today.)

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Year-over-year health spending growth highest ‘by far’ for home healthcare

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Year-over-year health spending growth highest ‘by far’ for home healthcare McKnights Senior Living; by Lois A. Bowers; 7/28/24 Year-over-year growth in national health spending in June was highest “by far” for home healthcare, at 20.9%, compared with other major healthcare categories, according to a brief issued late Tuesday by Altarum. Most of the growth, 18.5 percentage points, was due to changes in utilization rather than price, George Miller, PhD, Altarum fellow and research team leader, told the McKnight’s Business Daily. “Nursing home care spending was a distant second, at 10.0% year-over-year growth,” Miller said. By comparison, year-over-year spending growth was 8.3% for prescription drugs, 8.2% for hospital care, 7.3% for dental services and 6.6% for physician and clinical services, according to the report. Overall, spending on healthcare goods and services grew by 8.1% between June 2023 and June 2024, with utilization growth continuing to outpace price growth.

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This was the year advanced practice nurses thought they’d get full practice authority in NC. They were wrong.

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

This was the year advanced practice nurses thought they’d get full practice authority in NC. They were wrong.NC Health News - NC Board of Nursing; by TwumasiD-Mensah; 8/29/24 Every so often, Megan Conner, a nurse anesthetist in Greenville said she sees a patient who’s driven for hours to come for a screening colonoscopy but who instead has to be sent to the emergency department. ... It frustrates Conner that so many patients, who have to travel sometimes hours for care in eastern North Carolina, end up not getting it because of common ailments they can’t get treated closer to home.That’s why Conner is a big believer in the Safe, Accessible, Value-directed and Excellent Health Care Act (SAVE Act), which would give advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) like her full practice authority. She argues the data show that more nurse practitioners would provide primary care in rural North Carolina if the state would give them autonomy to practice, bringing care to small burgs that often go without. And now, the demands for care are being driven by hundreds of thousands of patients newly eligible for care because of Medicaid expansion. Along with a growing number of lawmakers who believe the legislation is overdue, advanced practice nurses thought this would be the year that the SAVE Act finally passed. They were wrong. [Click on the title's link to continue reading.]

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$83M fraud case against nursing home group may proceed, with no defendants excused

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

$83M fraud case against nursing home group may proceed, with no defendants excusedMcKnight's Long-Term Care News; by Jessica R. Towhey; 8/27/24A New York Supreme Court judge threw out all arguments from lawyers for an embattled group of nursing homes that sought to have charges dismissed in a case accusing the owners and operators of $83 million in Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Judge Melissa Crane ruled that the owners of Centers Health Care, along with numerous other individuals, did not make sufficient arguments for dropping charges of fraud, “saddling” nursing homes with “excessive debts,” colluding to pay “sham vendors,” and paying themselves “inflated” salaries.

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Executive Personnel Changes - 8/30/24

08/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Executive Personnel Changes - 8/30/24 

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Hospice patient publishes first poetry book

08/30/24 at 02:00 AM

Hospice patient publishes first poetry book BBC News, Derby, United Kingdom; by Jude Winter; 8/26/24 A woman receiving end-of-life care has fulfilled an ambition by publishing a book of poems. Sarah Colina started writing the poems more than 40 years ago but never got round to getting her work published despite encouragement from friends and family. The 60-year-old has been receiving care at Ashgate Hospice since being admitted to its Inpatient Unit in Old Brampton, Chesterfield. ... he added staff at the hospice had been "so supportive" and is selling 50 of her books to raise money to support their work. "I’m hoping it will be nicely received and people will enjoy reading my poems", said Ms Colina. She added: "Some of the poems are very dark, but some make you laugh. "I'm hoping it gives people an insight into their inner person." 

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Today's Encouragement: August ...

08/29/24 at 03:00 AM

August: When we discover that even the sun can have an attitude problem. ~ Anonymous

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For-profit Idaho home health powerhouse seeks expansion in Oregon

08/29/24 at 03:00 AM

For-profit Idaho home health powerhouse seeks expansion in OregonThe Lund Report; by Nick Budnick; 8/27/24Pennant Group wants to acquire home health and hospice agencies from Signature Group, an affiliate of Avamere Health. State health officials are reviewing a giant for-profit Idaho-based home health care company’s $80 million effort to buy home care and hospice companies around Oregon operated by Signature Group, also known as Avamere Health Care. Officials in the Health Care Market Oversight office of the Oregon Health Authority announced a 30-day public comment period on Aug. 23.

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High Desert PACE Program launches in Victorville to provide comprehensive care for seniors

08/29/24 at 03:00 AM

High Desert PACE Program launches in Victorville to provide comprehensive care for seniors Victor Valley News Group (VVNG), Victorville, CA; 8/25/24 The Victor Valley region now has a new, innovative resource for its senior population with the launch of the High Desert PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly). This new program is dedicated to offering comprehensive and personalized care to elderly individuals, helping them maintain their independence and quality of life while living in the comfort of their own homes.

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LifeTouch Hospice still providing end-of-life care in South Arkansas

08/29/24 at 03:00 AM

LifeTouch Hospice still providing end-of-life care in South ArkansasEl Dorado News-Times; by Keturah Smith; 8/28/24LifeTouch Hospice said Monday they would like the South Arkansas community to know the company remains fully operational and continues to offer care to terminally ill patients after merging with Little Rock-based Arkansas Hospice last year. "There has been some misconception in El Dorado with the closing of the hospice house," said Hannah Odell, LifeTouch provider relations representative, at the El Dorado Rotary Club meeting. "LifeTouch Hospice is very much still around." While the physical location of LifeTouch has closed, Odell mentioned their services can be provided at the nursing home, local hospital, assisted living, home or wherever care is needed. "We're contracted with South Arkansas Regional Hospital for [general inpatient care] for the most critical patients," Odell said. ...

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How 3 health systems decide when to buy or build AI

08/29/24 at 03:00 AM

How 3 health systems decide when to buy or build AIModern Healthcare; by Gabriel Perna; 8/27/24As health systems invest in artificial intelligence, executives are deciding when they should buy a vendor's AI product and when they should build their own models... “AI requires more of a data science experience, which is very expensive in the market,” Pupo said. “It also requires a lot of actual data and many hospitals do not have that or are able to afford access to large amounts of data.” Here is how three health systems are weighing their options.

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The DEI Dilemma: Separate teams or embedded methods?

08/29/24 at 03:00 AM

The DEI Dilemma: Separate teams or embedded methods? Clinical Leader; by Denise N. Bronner, PhD; 8/28/24 In recent years, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has become a focal point in many industries, with the pharma sector being no exception. As political forces shift the societal climate to be increasingly DEI-averse, pharma sponsors face critical decisions regarding the implementation of DEI initiatives: Should DEI efforts be managed by a separate, dedicated DEI team or woven into the fabric of existing processes and departments? To answer that question, we must examine the advantages and drawbacks of both strategies, focusing on key factors like resource allocation, implementation efficiency, cultural integration, and the long-term impact on trial inclusivity. ... Integrating DEI into all aspects of a business is a complex task that requires careful planning and coordination. Without a clear strategy, efforts can become fragmented and ineffective.Editor's Note: While this DEI discussion is written to the pharma industry, its DEI structures, strategies and outcomes apply to hospice and palliative care services. 

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