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All posts tagged with “Headlines.”

Here’s what a doctor says actually happens when you die

03/28/24 at 03:00 AM

Here’s what a doctor says actually happens when you die United Business Journal, by Nidhi Dhote; 3/26/24Death is the great equalizer; it’s a subject that intrigues and terrifies us in equal measure. Throughout human history, we’ve pondered what lies beyond the threshold of life, seeking answers in religion, philosophy, and science. Yet, despite all our advancements, the mystery of death remains largely intact. ... In this article, we’ll delve into what happens to our bodies when we die, as explained by medical professionals.

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Dr. Kevorkian was convicted of murder 25 years ago today: Examining the mixed legacy of a fighter for patient autonomy

03/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Dr. Kevorkian was convicted of murder 25 years ago today: Examining the mixed legacy of a fighter for patient autonomy Reason, by Jeffrey A. Singer; 3/26/24Today marks the 25th anniversary of Dr. Jack Kevorkian's conviction of second-degree murder for performing euthanasia on Thomas Youk, a Michigan man suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's Disease. ... Kevorkian, a medical pathologist, had been defying state laws by engaging in assisted suicide—he claimed to help more than 130 people die— often using machines. But this was different. Kevorkian was not assisting a suicide. Kevorkian videotaped himself injecting Youk with lethal chemicals. He was doing all the work. And despite having received Youk's informed consent, the Michigan Court considered it murder. ... Today, physician-assisted suicide is legal in 11 jurisdictions: California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.  ... Autonomous adults have the right to govern their bodies freely, provided they respect the equal rights of others. ... Active and passive euthanasia are grim exercises for physicians like me who decided to become doctors because we wanted to save lives. ... Editor's Note: Read more from this article that provides significant contexts for today's conflicts: historical, legal, medical, ethical, and geographical (USA and international) .

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The Hospice Special Focus Program: What it is & why it is important

03/27/24 at 02:00 AM

The Hospice Special Focus Program: What it is & why it is importantFORV/S, by Angela Huff; 3/25/24 The CMS Hospice Special Focus Program (SFP) aims to shed light on poorly performing hospices. CMS has publicly stated it is looking closely at the hospice industry due to increasing concerns regarding fraud, waste, and abuse. The Hospice Special Focus Program (SFP) is a new CMS program that identifies poor-performing hospices, takes action to inform the public, and engages those hospices to either improve their performance or terminate the hospice from the Medicare program. 

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Regulatory reference links for home health care, hospice and durable medical equipment

03/26/24 at 03:00 AM

Regulatory reference links for home health care, hospice and durable medical equipment National Association for Home Care & Hospice; per email 3/25/24 Includes reference descriptions and links to the following:

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HHS Secretary Becerra: We’re with you on telehealth flexibilities

03/25/24 at 03:00 AM

HHS Secretary Becerra: We’re with you on telehealth flexibilities Hospice News, by Jim Parker; 3/21/24 Telehealth flexibilities must become permanent U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra indicated in a congressional hearing [Wed]. At the end of this year, telehealth flexibilities implemented during the pandemic are slated to expire. In a hearing before the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee Becerra said that HHS was willing to make them permanent. However, he said this would require closer collaboration with state governments. “We’re with you. We can’t allow those flexibilities to expire, and we need to work closer with our state partners, because much of the flexibility that comes from telehealth means being able to go over state lines,” Becerra said.

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Top 10 patient safety threats of 2024: Helping new clinicians, maternal care barriers, AI, and more

03/25/24 at 03:00 AM

Top 10 patient safety threats of 2024: Helping new clinicians, maternal care barriers, AI, and more Chief Healthcare Executive, by Ron Southwick; 3/21/24 When ECRI unveiled its list of the leading threats to patient safety for 2024, some items are likely to be expected, such as physician burnout, delays in care due to drug shortages or falls in the hospital. However, ECRI, a nonprofit group focused on patient safety, placed one item atop all others: the challenges in helping new clinicians move from training to caring for patients. ... ECRI’s top 10 threats to patient safety for 2024: 

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Preventing adverse drug events in hospice care

03/24/24 at 03:55 AM

Preventing adverse drug events in hospice care Hospice News, by Holly Vossel; 3/15/24 Documentation errors and a fragmented health system pose the greatest risks for adverse drug events among hospices. ... Evaluating these risks involves having solid medication reconciliation processes in place — both at the time of a patient’s admission and throughout their end-of life care experience, according to Mary Lynn McPherson, professor and executive program director of advanced post-graduate education in palliative care at the University of Maryland’s School of Pharmacy. McPherson also serves on the board of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM).

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What are ageing and death from a biological point of view?

03/24/24 at 03:50 AM

What are ageing and death from a biological point of view? Polytchnique insights, by Alexis Gautreau and Clemence Guillermain; 3/12/24 Linking philosophy and biology may seem strange. Yet there are many subjects where the two disciplines come into play and are, in turn, essential to understanding them. Death is a perfect example. This biological reality remains an abstract concept until we experience it in our own lives. But, however abstract it may be, death is based on a biological reality. 

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Medicaid Fraud Control Units Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report

03/24/24 at 03:45 AM

Medicaid Fraud Control Units Fiscal Year 2023 Annual ReportU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General; 3/14/2024Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFCUs or Units) investigate and prosecute Medicaid provider fraud and patient abuse or neglect. [This 32 page, downloadable document includes:]

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The identity dilemma: Navigating rebranding decisions in home health M&A

03/24/24 at 03:40 AM

The identity dilemma: Navigating rebranding decisions in home health M&A Home Health Care News, by Patrick Filbin; 3/14/24 ... While some companies swiftly integrate acquired businesses into their brand and splash their logo, marketing materials and likeness on the newly acquired assets, others opt to maintain the selling company’s identity. In home-based care, the decision to “rebrand or retain” takes into account a number of factors, sources told Home Health Care News. They include operational efficiency, patient/client retention, market positioning and more.

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Responding to Soul Injury: Tools for hope and healing

03/24/24 at 03:35 AM

Responding to Soul Injury: Tools for hope and healing Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing; by Deborah Grassman, Abi Katz, Luann Conforti-Brown, Josephine F Wilson, Angie Snyder; 3/13/24Soul Injury is defined as a wound that separates a person from their real self, caused by unmourned loss and hurt, unforgiven guilt and shame, and fear of helplessness or loss of control. Tools and interventions have been developed to guide people impacted by Soul Injury. This study assessed the effectiveness of 12 tools and interventions, ... The Anchor Your Heart tool was the most frequently used tool and had the most enduring utilization across time and settings.Editor's Note: Click here for The Anchor Your Heart Tool identified in this article. Share this research and article with your clinical teams and bereavement counselors.

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How the analytics of care can balance workforce capacity

03/24/24 at 03:30 AM

How the analytics of care can balance workforce capacity MedCity News, by Derek Streat; 3/19/24 U.S. healthcare is experiencing a supply and demand crisis as it races to keep pace with an aging population amidst a workforce shortage and mounting financial pressures. And the situation appears unlikely to improve anytime soon. In fact, recent projections anticipate a shortfall of 139,000 physicians in the next decade, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. One limiting factor preventing the efficient management of workforce resources is a lack of data interoperability. ... 

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Home-focused PACE model continues to gain traction across US

03/24/24 at 03:25 AM

Home-focused PACE model continues to gain traction across US Home Health Care News, by Joyce Famakinwa; 3/19/24 A Georgia House Bill that would create a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) was passed by the state senate earlier this month. House Bill 1078 passed in a 49 to 1 senate vote.Specifically, the bill creates a new adult day center licensure exclusion in order to authorize the Department of Community Health to establish and implement PACE in Georgia as part of the state’s medical assistance program. The Department of Community Health would manage the program. 

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Hospice group pushes for clarity in N.Y. state budget as some warm to for-profit care

03/24/24 at 03:20 AM

Hospice group pushes for clarity in N.Y. state budget as some warm to for-profit care Spectrum News 1; by Susan Arbetter; 3/19/24 New York state has the lowest utilization of hospice in the country, which can be attributed to several factors, including low health literacy rates. But the state’s recent progress in support of end-of-life care may be threatened by something even more insidious: corporate greed. To investigate that issue nationally, a joint request for information was issued by the federal Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Trade Commission into private equity-backed health care and its impact on quality. Yet despite dire warnings, New York state is slowly opening the door to for-profit, private equity-backed hospice care. 

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Student-run Arizona non-profit uses origami to connect with hospital [and hospice] patients

03/24/24 at 03:15 AM

Student-run Arizona non-profit uses origami to connect with hospital [and hospice] patients The State Press, by Pippa Fung; 3/19/24The Wishing Crane Project, founded by Arizona student Charles Zhang, serves hospice and hospital patients through art. In the story of Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, a young girl tried to fold 1,000 paper cranes in the hopes that it would help her push through a terminal illness. Years later, students across Arizona and at ASU are folding their own cranes [and writing hopeful messages] to support others through their difficult journeys.  Editor's Note: To Hospice Volunteer Directors/Managers, do you receive requests from high school students/groups requesting community service hours? Click here for The Wishing Crane Project.

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CAHPS Hospice Survey - Quality Assurance Guidelines V10.0: Technical Corrections and Clarifications, March 2024

03/24/24 at 03:10 AM

CAHPS Hospice Survey - Quality Assurance Guidelines V10.0: Technical Corrections and Clarifications, March 2024; 3/20/24Subsequent to the release of the CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines V10.0 (QAG V10.0), it has been determined that there is a specific content item that requires correction, addition and/or further clarification. The protocol listed in this document replace the previous release of the content in the CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines V10.0. The items are identified [in the pdf available at the title's link].

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Hearing with Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra

03/24/24 at 03:05 AM

Hearing with Health and Human Services Secretary BecerraHouse Ways and Means CommitteePublisher's note: CA Representatives Steel (@ 4:01) and Van Duyne (@ 4:14) ask pointed questions of Secretary Becerra regarding hospice fraud, particularly focused on Southern California. Thanks to Sheila Clark, California Hospice & Palliative Care Association, for sharing this link. Also, yesterday (3/20/24) Judi Lund Person, Lund Person & Associates Hospice Consulting, presented on this specific topic at the Nebraska Hospice & Palliative Care Association Annual Conference.

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MedPAC releases March 2024 report on Medicare payment policy

03/24/24 at 03:00 AM

MedPAC releases March 2024 report on Medicare payment policy CMS MedPAC; 3/15/24 Washington, DC, March 15, 2024—Today, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) releases its March 2024 Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy. The report presents MedPAC’s recommendations for updating provider payment rates in traditional fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare for 2025 and for providing additional resources to acute care hospitals and clinicians who furnish care to Medicare beneficiaries with low incomes. ... MedPAC recommends ... eliminating the payment update for hospice providers; and payment reductions for three post-acute care sectors (skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and inpatient rehabilitation facilities).Editor's Note: Click here to download this report's "Chapter 9: Hospice Services"

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7 Nonprofit hospices form Integrity Care Partners Palliative Care venture

03/23/24 at 03:00 AM

7 Nonprofit hospices form Integrity Care Partners palliative care ventureHospice News, by Jim Parker; 3/22/24A group of seven nonprofit hospices has launched a palliative care organization branded as Integrity Care Partners. The founding organizations are each members of the Texas Nonprofit Hospice Alliance, a regional collaborative of which Integrity Care Partners is an extension. The partnerships’ seven initial members include Community Healthcare of Texas, Hospice Austin, Home Hospice of Grayson County, the Hospice of East Texas, Hospice of El Paso, Hospice in the Pines and Hospice of Wichita Falls.Notable mentions: Kirsti Krejs, Texas Nonprofit Hospice Alliance; Viki Jingle, Community Healthcare of Texas.

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Home Health and Hospice Coalition questions and answers, February 5, 2024

03/23/24 at 03:00 AM

Home Health and Hospice Coalition questions and Answers, February 5, 2024Palmetto GBA, email 3/22/24.

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Hearing with Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra

03/21/24 at 03:00 AM

Hearing with Health and Human Services Secretary BecerraHouse Ways and Means CommitteePublisher's note: CA Representatives Steel (@ 4:01) and Van Duyne (@ 4:14) ask pointed questions of Secretary Becerra regarding hospice fraud, particuarly focused on Southern California. Thanks to Sheila Clark, California Hospice & Palliative Care Association, for sharing this link.

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MedPAC releases March 2024 report on Medicare payment policy

03/18/24 at 03:00 AM

MedPAC releases March 2024 report on Medicare payment policy CMS MedPAC; 3/15/24 Washington, DC, March 15, 2024—Today, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) releases its March 2024 Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy. The report presents MedPAC’s recommendations for updating provider payment rates in traditional fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare for 2025 and for providing additional resources to acute care hospitals and clinicians who furnish care to Medicare beneficiaries with low incomes. ... MedPAC recommends ... eliminating the payment update for hospice providers; and payment reductions for three post-acute care sectors (skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and inpatient rehabilitation facilities).Click here for this report's "Chapter 9: Hospice Services"

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Colorado Senate passes bill to shorten ‘Medical-Aid-in-Dying’ waiting period

03/17/24 at 03:45 AM

Colorado Senate passes bill to shorten ‘Medical-Aid-in-Dying’ waiting period Colorado Newsline, by Sara Wilson; 3/8/24 The Colorado Senate approved a bill Friday that would alter the state’s medical aid-in-dying law by shortening the required waiting period and allowing more medical professionals to prescribe the medication. ... Senate Bill 24-68 would tweak the law by shortening the waiting period between a patient’s first and second request for the medication from 15 to seven days. ... Statistics from Denver Health’s medical aid-in-dying program show that about 1 in 4 patients died from their illness during the current 15-day waiting period... The bill would also allow advanced practice registered nurses to prescribe the medication... The bill was amended in committee to reinstate a Colorado residency requirement.

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Home Care costs continue to increase, outpacing other long-term care settings

03/17/24 at 03:40 AM

Home Care costs continue to increase, outpacing other long-term care settings Home Health Care News, by Andrew Donlan; 3/12/24 The pricing increases in home care have again outpaced other long-term care sectors, according to Genworth’s annual cost of care report. 

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'It's been really inspiring': Grace House continues end-of-life care despite challenges

03/17/24 at 03:35 AM

'It's been really inspiring': Grace House continues end-of-life care despite challenges Akron Beacon Journal, by Kelsie Horner; 3/13/24Through a flood and financial challenges, an Akron nonprofit has continued to provide end-of-life care and companionship for people who might otherwise die alone. Since opening its doors 1½ years ago, Grace House has cared for 66 residents during their final days. ... Grace House is one of only three organizations in the nation to provide free, “non-barrier” end-of-life care for people who are unhoused or alone.

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