CIOs must prepare their organizations today for quantum-safe cryptography

10/28/24 at 03:00 AM

CIOs must prepare their organizations today for quantum-safe cryptography 
IBM; by Mark Hughes, Joachim Schäfer and Arfan Sabar; 10/24/24
Quantum computers are emerging from the pure research phase and becoming useful tools. They are used across industries and organizations to explore the frontiers of challenges in healthcare and life sciences, high energy physics, materials development, optimization and sustainability. However, as quantum computers scale, they will also be able to solve certain hard mathematical problems on which today’s public key cryptography relies. A future cryptographically relevant quantum computer (CRQC) might break globally used asymmetric cryptography algorithms that currently help ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data and the authenticity of systems access.The risks imposed by a CRQC are far-reaching: possible data breaches, digital infrastructure disruptions and even widescale global manipulation. These future quantum computers will be among the biggest risks to the digital economy and pose a significant cyber risk to businesses. ... [Click on the title's link to continue reading.]

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