Nurse diagnosed with blood cancer fulfills dying wish to see new ‘Wicked’ movie

11/29/24 at 03:00 AM

Nurse diagnosed with blood cancer fulfills dying wish to see new ‘Wicked’ movie 
Fox 13 Tampa Bay, FL: by Jennifer Kveglis; 11/26/24 
A Tampa Bay area nurse who was diagnosed with blood cancer had one dying wish – to see the new movie "Wicked" in theaters. With the help of friends and family, that wish was fulfilled on Monday. Misty Steffen is a wife and mother, and she was also HCA Florida South Shore's chief of nursing. "I've loved every day of my life being a nurse," she said. "Twenty-six years that I got to be one and serve and love and decrease anxiety and increase trust and explain." ... [Description of her serious illness trajectory ...] "It's not what I thought would be the end of my story, but I'm at peace knowing whether I live or whether I die," she said. Steffen said she, her daughter and her husband always sang songs from "Wicked" in the car. Together, they've seen the musical on Broadway twice. Her last wish was to see the new movie in theaters. "The next thing I know he's [her husband] rented out the whole room in the theater," she said. HCA Florida Brandon paramedics, where Steffen worked too, as the assistant chief of nursing, transported her in their ambulance at no charge. "He's like we've got people who are going to come take you in an ambulance to ‘Wicked,’" she said. "I just started balling and I go...'what? Why am I so deserving of that?'" Steffen will spend the coming days surrounded by loved ones, many of whom flew in from all over the country. 
Editor's note: While this story appears to be focused on the movie "Wicked," it's more about relationships, meaning-making, quality of life, and ... her husband rented out the "whole room in the theater"! If you--like I--enjoy this movie weekend, Misty Steffen's story gives a new meaning to giving thanks, creating new memories from old for now and ahead. From Part 2 of Wicked, "... because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

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