What is a good death? End-of-life doulas can help the dying have one.

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

What is a good death? End-of-life doulas can help the dying have one.
Boston Globe, by Sherrie Dulworth; 2/9/24
... Home hospice agencies offer vital services for terminally ill people who wish to die at home, assisting with, among other things, pain management and helping the terminally ill avoid needless medical procedures. ... But while it is often thought that home hospice workers are the primary caregivers for the dying, this is not so. Instead, it is loved ones who often do the heavy lifting, both physically and emotionally, that comes with tending to the dying. ... This is where a death doula comes in, and the work they do speaks to the nonmedical, more spiritual side of what it means to have a good death.
Publisher's note: Article may be behind a paywall.

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