What is the FAST scale for Alzheimer's?

03/27/24 at 02:00 AM

What is the FAST scale for Alzheimer's?
MedicalNewsToday, by Charlotte Lillis and medically reviewed by Shilpa Amin, MD, CAQ, FAAFP; 3/25/24
The Reisberg Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST) is a scale that doctors use to diagnose and evaluate aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. ... This article provides an overview of the FAST tool, including a breakdown of its individual stages. It also outlines what to expect from the FAST evaluation, what the scale means for hospice care, and more.
Editor's Note: Your physicians and nurses are sure to know this FAST scale. Additionally--especially when interfacing with nursing or assisted living facilities--your referral/admission leaders, social workers, and chaplains need to be familiar with how to these different stages impact their palliative and/or hospice roles with patients and their families.

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