Why difficult conversations matter: How delivering bad news with clarity and empathy impacts both provider and patient

04/11/24 at 02:00 AM

Why difficult conversations matter: How delivering bad news with clarity and empathy impacts both provider and patient 
Cedars Sinai, by Cassie Tomlin; 4/8/24
Good physicians rely on a battery of hard-won skills to treat serious illness—they observe, predict, test, prescribe and diagnose. But many physicians haven’t been taught how to have productive, mutually beneficial conversations—such as sharing a life-changing diagnosis or informing patients about disease trajectory and symptoms, prognosis and end-of-life care. High-impact communication tools can be learned at any point in a physician’s career, says Jessica Besbris, MD, director of Neuropalliative Care and the Neurology Supportive Care Medicine Program at Cedars-Sinai. Here, Besbris shares why such careful conversations matter for everyone involved, and ways physicians can improve how they discuss serious illness.

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