Psychosocial distress screening among interprofessional palliative care teams: A narrative review

04/25/24 at 02:00 AM

Psychosocial distress screening among interprofessional palliative care teams: A narrative review 
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care; by Chelsea K Brown and Cara L Wallace; 4/23/24
With increased need for palliative care and limited staffing resources, non-social workers are increasingly responsible for screening for urgent psychosocial distress. The National Consensus Project guidelines call for all palliative care team members to be competent in screening across domains. ... Although an abundance of validated screening tools exists for outpatient oncology-specific settings, there is minimal guidance on psychosocial screening tools intended for specialty palliative care. The most oft-cited tools have been met with concern for validity across diverse palliative care populations and settings. ...  

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