Skepticism is healthy, but in medicine, it can be dangerous

04/25/24 at 02:15 AM

Skepticism is healthy, but in medicine, it can be dangerous 
The New York Times; Guest Essay, by Dr. Daniela J. Lamas; 4/24/24 
I arrived at the hospital one recent morning to find a team of doctors gathered just outside a patient room. The patient was struggling — his breaths too fast and too shallow. For days we had been trying to walk the line between treating the pain caused by his rapidly growing cancer and prolonging his life. [The author describes interactions with the family.] ... We are at a crossroads in medicine when it comes to public trust. After a pandemic that twisted science for political gain, it is not surprising that confidence in medicine is eroding. ... Our medical system relies on trust — in face-to-face meetings as well as public health bulletins. Distrust can lead doctors to burnout and can encourage avoidable negative outcomes for our patients.
Editor's Note: For a patient/caregiver/family to agree to a hospice admission, they must first trust the physician who refers them to your organization. Before that, the referring physician must trust your organization. Too often, "trust" is diluted as a "soft skill." "Trust"--as described in this article--is a cornerstone, a foundation of strength, endurance, and integrity in the hardest, most conflicted times of decisions about living and dying that a person (and family) might face.

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