How to overcome the disruptive forces that can impede high-value innovation

04/30/24 at 02:00 AM

How to overcome the disruptive forces that can impede high-value innovation 
Healthcare Financial Management Association (; by Liz DeForest; 4/28/24 
... Healthcare is full of what we call “missing innovations” — good ideas that never go beyond promising pilot tests or, like EHRs, are adopted so slowly that their progress is measured in decades, even though other industries were adopting digital solutions very rapidly. Switchover disruptions are among the reasons for these missing innovations. ... [The author interviewed authors of Why not better and cheaper? (Oxford University Press, June 2023), written by industry analysts and twin brothers James B. and Robert S. Rebitzer about their observations of health system action and inaction. James Rebitzer is the Peter and Deborah Wexler Professor at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business. Robert Rebitzer is a national adviser at the consulting firm Manatt Health.]

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