Understanding is better than criticism

04/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Understanding is better than criticism 
The Pike County News Watchman; by Loren Hardin; 4/26/24 
The first time I met Glenn was at his brother, Kenny’s, and sister-in-law, Tressie’s wedding anniversary party. ... Glenn walked into the party with a swagger, was wearing dark tinted sunglasses, grabbed his belt, pulled up his pants, stuck out his chest and sat down at the kitchen table. I thought, “Who is this guy wearing dark sunglasses on an overcast day?” To be honest, I thought, “This guy is kind of cocky acting”. Little did I know that in the not-too-distant future, I would become Glenn’s hospice social worker, nor did he? ... [Click on the title's link to read more of this insightful, inspirational story.]

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