It’s past time for an upgrade to the Medicare Hospice Benefit

04/08/24 at 02:00 AM

It’s past time for an upgrade to the Medicare Hospice Benefit
Health Affairs, by Cara L. Wallace and Stephanie P. Wladkowski; 4/5/24
When most people think about hospice care, they imagine someone such as the late Rosalynn Carter, who enrolled onto hospice and died within a few days. Jimmy Carter’s long hospice stay, now more than a year, has shown a different model for hospice—one that supports its mission to help people live well, with dignity and quality of life, for whatever time remains. However, current policy restrictions to enroll and remain on hospice make it difficult for many hospice recipients to receive hospice care for “whatever time remains,” as 17.2 percent of Medicare hospice patients are discharged alive. 
Editor's Note: Many hospices used Jimmy Carter's one-year anniversary as a marketing tool that hospice is not really for the "dying." Many--if not most--of these articles were not transparent in identifying any type of recertification, decertification, or revocation processes. Yes, while it may be past time for CMS to upgrade the Hospice Benefit, it's also past time for hospice marketing to be more transparent with the public.

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