Action is key to continue to break down barriers for equitable cancer care

05/10/24 at 03:00 AM

Action is key to continue to break down barriers for equitable cancer care 
OncLive; by Ryan Scott; 5/8/24 
Experts from the University of Wisconsin (UW) School of Medicine and Public Health, including Catherine Zhang, MD, MPH, ... Monica Patel, MD, ... Janelle N. Sobecki, MD, ... and Loyda Braithwaite, NP ... participated in an interview with OncLive® on disparities in cancer care. In [this] interview, these experts addressed significant barriers to equitable cancer treatment and highlighted challenges for rural communities to access specialized oncologic care. Furthermore, they emphasized financial limitations affecting treatment access, specifically for marginalized groups, and the need to push for health policy changes.  ... 

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