[Honoring Nurses Week] Too many nurses are being assaulted. Some say they are being blamed for the attacks.

05/10/24 at 03:05 AM

[Honoring Nurses Week] Too many nurses are being assaulted. Some say they are being blamed for the attacks. 
Chief Healthcare Executive; by Ron Southwick; 5/9/24 
With disturbing regularity, nurses in hospitals and other healthcare settings are being physically assaulted and verbally harassed. More than half of emergency nurses say they’ve been assaulted or threatened within the past 30 days, according to the Emergency Nurses Association. In a separate study, researchers found that healthcare workers faced at least one violent or aggressive incident for every 40 hours worked, according to findings published by The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. With the observance of National Nursing Week, the increased violence in healthcare can’t be ignored. Nursing leaders say the regular exposure to violence or threatening behavior is one factor adding to stress and burnout of nurses and, in some cases, spurring them to seek new jobs.

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