Making AI actionable in healthcare – a high-level guide

05/16/24 at 03:00 AM

Making AI actionable in healthcare – a high-level guide 
Becker's Hospital Review; by Calum Yacoubian, MD, Director Healthcare AI Strategy, IQVIA; 5/14/24 
Never has there been more interest and excitement around the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare. The advent of Generative AI and LLMs, popularized by OpenAI with ChatGPT, has opened many people’s eyes to what might be possible. Yet, the translation of this promise to patient impact is only in its infancy, and while it is a path with huge potential, as healthcare professionals, we must tread carefully and responsibly. In this article, we discuss the importance of the ecosystem in which healthcare AI must exist, to be successful. That ecosystem is made up of people, process, and technology.

  1. People: The Right Stakeholders ...
  2. Process: Integration and Workflow ... 
  3. Technology: the AI ...
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