State-level initiatives tackle language-based barriers to worker training, testing

05/27/24 at 03:00 AM

State-level initiatives tackle language-based barriers to worker training, testing 
McKnights Senior Living; by Kimberly Bonvissuto; 5/20/24
Foreign-born workers account for 27% of the nation’s direct care workforce, but many states maintain strict, English-only testing and training requirements that can prevent some immigrants from entering the workforce, according to the results of a new analysis. PHI looked at five state initiatives working to address those language-based barriers to workforce training and certification with a goal of expanding opportunities for workers who do not speak English as their primary language. PHI highlighted initiatives in five states — California, Massachusetts, New York, Washington and Wisconsin — using approaches deemed innnovative to make progress in addressing language access barriers for direct care workers. [Click on the title's link for solutions these five states are using.]

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