Design, creation, and 13-month performance of a novel, web-based activity for education in primary cardiology palliative care
Design, creation, and 13-month performance of a novel, web-based activity for education in primary cardiology palliative care
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management; by Cardiovascular disease (CVD) clinicians who care for seriously ill patients frequently report that they do not feel confident nor adequately prepared to manage patients' palliative care (PC) needs. With the goal, therefore, of increasing PC knowledge and skills amongst interprofessional clinicians providing CVD care, the ACC's PC Workgroup designed, developed, and implemented a comprehensive PC online educational activity. This paper describes the process and 13-month performance of this free, online activity for clinicians across disciplines and levels of training, "Palliative Care for the Cardiovascular Clinician" (PCCVC).
Editor's Note: Reiterating, this "free, online activity [is] for clinicians across disciplines and levels of training." The trajectories for cardiovascular diseases can elicit enormous anxiety--due to their roller-coaster changes that can result in sudden death--in contrast to the more predictable trajectories for cancer. Whether you use this resource or another, educate your interdisciplinary clinical managers and team members to the all-important disease and care factors for cardiology palliative care, relevant to the scope of professionals' different roles.