Dying of heart failure: how do we improve the experience?

06/19/24 at 03:00 AM

Dying of heart failure: how do we improve the experience? 
The Medical Journal of Australia - MJA; by Dominica Zentner, Vithoosharan Sivanathan, Jennifer Philip and Natasha Smallwood; published online 6/17/24 
... Despite the improvements afforded by multiple pharmacological, surgical and interventional developments in heart failure, the goal of therapy remains delayed disease progression for many. Cognisant of this reality, recent heart failure guidelines all highlight the important role of palliative care. ... The MJA recently published an article regarding the imperative of reframing palliative care. ... We suggest that ...

  • All health care students and advanced medical trainees (irrespective of specialty) receive training in key domains of palliative care, ...
  • General practitioners should be recognised for the essential role they play in caring for older [patients] ...
  • Nurse practitioners and community‐based nurses are highly trained and well placed to deliver both heart failure and palliative care. Their importance as part of a multidisciplinary team aiming to deliver care at home is paramount.
  • Giving priority to codesigned research that examines people's preferences for care in late‐stage chronic disease ...
  • Transitioning the existing workforce of cardiologists to being an essential part of the multidisciplinary team providing a palliative approach is required ...
  • Professional and societal expectations need to evolve, embracing the notion that achieving a good death may be an excellent outcome in chronic disease.
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