The ‘Inter-AI’ Period: 7 key actions leaders should take now 

06/24/24 at 03:00 AM

The ‘Inter-AI’ Period: 7 key actions leaders should take now 
CEOWorld Magazine; by Nada R. Sanders, PhD; 6/20/24 
Generative AI is not transient, part of a hype cycle, or a fleeting trend. It’s a game-changing innovation that’s opened the door to novel human-machine partnerships, AI-driven superintelligence, and a new way to win in business. In the AI timeline, we’ve entered “The Inter-AI Period,” a small window of opportunity where leaders can shape how they use AI now and in the future. This window of opportunity is short—perhaps a few years at most—after which decision processes embedded in AI will harden. ... By studying transformative AI leaders ... and conducting interviews with dozens of corporate CEOs, we’ve identified seven key actions every leader should take now:

  1. Educate Yourself and Your Teams ...
  2. Develop a Clear AI Strategy ...
  3. Foster a Data-Driven Culture ...
  4. Invest in the Right Technology and Partnerships ...
  5. Pilot Projects, Then Scale Up ...
  6. Build a Cross-Functional Team ...
  7. Emphasize Change Management ...
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