Lawmakers say CMS should ban Medicare Advantage’s use of AI to deny care

07/03/24 at 03:00 AM

Lawmakers say CMS should ban Medicare Advantage’s use of AI to deny care 
McKnights Long-Term Care News; by Josh Henreckson; 6/26/24 
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should consider banning artificial intelligence from being used to deny Medicare Advantage coverage pending a “systematic review,” a group of 49 congressional leaders is urging. ...  Skilled nursing providers have been sounding the alarm for years on Medicare Advantage coverage access, especially when informed by AI and other algorithms. Sector leaders have frequently noted that these methods can deny or prematurely end coverage for patients who need it to afford necessary long-term care. Providers and consumer advocates both spoke out in favor of the lawmakers’ letter this week. “LeadingAge’s nonprofit and mission driven members … have firsthand experience of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans’ inappropriate use of prior authorization to deny, shorten and limit MA enrollees’ access to medically necessary Medicare benefits,” wrote Katie Smith Sloan, president and CEO of LeadingAge. ... “Implementation by [the] Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which we fully support, would ensure MA plans fulfill their obligation to provide enrollees equitable access to Medicare services.”

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