3 nurse specialties with highest, lowest pay

01/14/25 at 02:00 AM

3 nurse specialties with highest, lowest pay 
Becker's Hospital Review; by Kelly Gooch; 1/13/25 
From January through July 2024, staff registered nurses involved in direct patient care saw their median base pay increase by 2%, compared to 1.4% for those in indirect patient care. However, RNs involved in direct and indirect patient care were poised for annual increases of 3% to 4% to close out 2024. ... The survey includes six-month percentage change data from January through July 2024. It is based on data from more than 700 participating organizations, representing approximately 358,000 individuals across over 115 nursing roles, including RNs, nursing managers and licensed practical nurses. [Click on the title's link for this important data.]

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