Literature Review

Sister Úna lived a good death

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Sister Úna lived a good deathWTTW-Chicago PBS, video; available for viewing 2/5/24 to 5/5/24Following a cancer diagnosis, Sister Úna—a mischievous, rule-breaking Catholic nun dedicated to social justice—chooses to live as she’s dying. In this touching end-of-life documentary, the self-proclaimed “leader of the misfits” plans her funeral in her last nine months to live.

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The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. U.S. Medicine, by Chester Buckenmaier III, MD, COL (ret), MC, USA; 2/13/24New Year’s Eve 2023 was marked with sadness for my family as my mother-in-law, Susan “Sue” Timperley, passed. ... Because of Sue’s strength in life, when her death came faster than we or her physician expected, we were spared further trauma. ... Hospice proved as helpful in death as they were in life by easing the weight of Sue’s loss through arrangements for her body. This support allowed Sue to die as she lived, with quiet strength and regal dignity. Our family was gifted with the time to focus on her memory rather than sterile hospital rules and cold machines.

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Digital tool reduced burden, improved mood for cancer hospice caregivers

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Digital tool reduced burden, improved mood for cancer hospice caregiversCure, by Ashley Chan; 2/9/24Using a Symptom Cancer at Home (SCH) intervention significantly reduced caregiver burden, compared with usual hospice care (UC), according to a study from the journal Cancer.

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Sally Norden's skydive for Children's Hospice South West: A leap of faith for a good cause

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Sally Norden's skydive for Children's Hospice South West: A leap of faith for a good causeBNN, by Mazhar Abbas; 2/13/24Sally Norden took a leap of faith and skydived from 15,000 feet to raise funds for Children's Hospice South West. Her courage and dedication to the charity inspired others to support the cause.

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Michael Stiggers talks on misconceptions of hospice care

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Michael Stiggers talks on misconceptions of hospice careThe Times-News, by Wayne Clark; 2/10/24"People are always telling me that I must have a difficult job to do and that they wouldn't trade places with me," said Stiggers, who is the chaplain for Chattahoochee Hospice. "They think it must be the worst job in the world, but they are wrong. It's one of the best jobs you can have. I absolutely love my job."

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End-of-life care for children: making it possible to die at home

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

End-of-life care for children: making it possible to die at homeNursing Times, by Jill Davies; 2/5/24UK - A children’s community nursing team collaborated with an adult palliative care urgent-response service to provide 24-hour end-of-life care for paediatric patients. This made dying at home a realistic option for these patients, which had not previously been the case.

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Silverado Hospice - Hospice stories

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Silverado Hospice - Hospice Stories

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Hospice of Montezuma announces program to help patients care for their pets

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospice of Montezuma announces program to help patients care for their petThe Journal, by Bailey Duran; 2/9/24Hospice of Montezuma announced a collaboration with Pet Peace of Mind to help local hospice patients take care of and make plans for ... their pets' care after their life ends. Hospice of Montezuma will partner with local pet care providers such as Denkai Animal Sanctuary to ensure that patients’ pets receive food, veterinarian care and exercise. The nonprofit Pet Peace of Mind, based in Salem, Oregon, partners with hospices and hospitals. ... “Hospice patients fare better when they get to keep their pets and know they are getting the love and attention they need,” Pet Peace of Mind said.

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How do you live while your brother is dying? ‘Suncoast’ is a teen take on hospice

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

How do you live while your brother is dying? ‘Suncoast’ is a teen take on hospiceWisconsin Public Radio, by Mandalit Del Barco; 2/9/24A new film streaming on Hulu considers a subject that’s sometimes in the news, but not often in entertainment: hospice end-of-life care. Suncoast is writer-director Laura Chinn’s fictional account of her life in the early 2000s as a Florida teen with a severely ill older brother. ... Chinn helped her mother care for him for years, and at the end of his life, they moved him into a hospice center. It turned out to be the same place that a woman named Terri Schiavo was on life support for 15 years.

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February 14th special edition with heartwarming stories

02/14/24 at 02:00 AM

February 14, 2024 Special Edition

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What primary care’s “Barnes & Noble moment” means for the future of digital health

02/13/24 at 04:00 AM

What primary care’s “Barnes & Noble moment” means for the future of digital healthMedcity, by Kyna Fong; 2/6/24Primary care is essential to living healthier lives, and we need all forms of it, from small local practices to big health systems and retail chains. Ultimately, it's going to be all primary care hands on deck, working together to make a lasting change for the health of Americans.

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Using patient narratives to evaluate a hospice service

02/13/24 at 03:15 AM

Using patient narratives to evaluate a hospice serviceNursing Times - Patient Experience, by Val Stangoe and Steve Mee; 2/12/24Questionnaire surveys at a hospice proved ineffective as a tool to identify areas for service improvement, but narrative inquiry with patients and their families identified important deficits that offered clear guidance for service development. This method needed a careful, respectful approach, as well as significant time and resources, but proved to be invaluable. Many of the patients enjoyed having an opportunity to tell their stories, while nursing staff could be involved in the project, thereby enhancing their skills and raising their ambitions.

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CMS publishes Hospice Item Set Manual changes

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

CMS publishes Hospice Item Set Manual changesMcKnights Home Care, by Adam Healy; 2/12/24Changes went into effect 1/31/24. Table includes Chapter and/or Section in V3.01 of HIS Manual; Page # in V3.01 of HIS Manual; Revision; Explanation

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‘Rich opportunities, daunting challenges’ ahead for senior living: report

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

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Hundreds gather in St. Louis to remember former US Sen. Jean Carnahan

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Hundreds gather in St. Louis to remember former US Sen. Jean Carnahan The Public's Radio - AP; 2/11/24Children and grandchildren of former U.S. Sen. Jean Carnahan of Missouri recalled her wit, curiosity, kindness and hard work during a public memorial service on Saturday. Carnahan, 90, died Jan. 30 in hospice care in suburban St. Louis after a short illness. Carnahan became Missouri's first female U.S. senator when she was appointed in 2001 to replace her husband, Mel Carnahan, [who] died in a plane crash that also killed his son, Randy, and campaign adviser Chris Sifford, just weeks before the 2000 election.

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Today's Encouragement - from Muhammad Ali

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

He  who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. – Muhammad Ali

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Aetna forecasts higher Medicare Advantage costs

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Aetna forecasts higher Medicare Advantage costsModern Healthcare, by Lauren Berryman; 2/7/24CVS Health has downgraded its 2024 earnings guidance as its Aetna health insurance subsidiary contends with higher-than-expected Medicare Advantage costs and a looming federal rate cut, the company announced Wednesday.

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Highest-paying cities for nurses in every state

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Highest-paying cities for nurses in every stateBecker's Clinical Leadership, by Mariah Taylor; 2/6/24Here is the top metro area in every state with the median annual wage for nurses. [Highest paying cities include:]

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Large study ties OCD to greater risk of death from any cause

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Large study ties OCD to greater risk of death from any causeJAMA, by Emily Harris; 2/7/24Previous research on the mortality risk of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has shown mixed results and hasn’t gone into specific causes of death. Now, results from a large cohort study published in The BMJ suggests they have an 82% higher risk of dying from all causes.

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HPNF Diversity in Health Care Series

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

HPNF Diversity in Health Care SeriesHospice and Palliative Nurses Association; 2/12/24The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Foundation (HPNF) has received generous philanthropic support to develop a series of educational resources for hospice and palliative care nurses, tailored to cover fundamental considerations for caring for patients of various faith backgrounds.Publisher's note: Video series includes an introduction, and end-of-life care for Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim patients.

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Amazon cuts jobs in healthcare divisions

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Amazon cuts jobs in healthcare divisionsBecker's Health IT, by Naomi Diaz; 2/6/24Amazon is eliminating a few hundred roles at One Medical and in its online pharmacy unit Amazon Pharmacy...

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Minnesota nurses union proposes cap on hospital CEO pay

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Minnesota nurses union proposes cap on hospital CEO payBecker's Hospital Review, by Kelly Gooch; 2/7/24The Minnesota Nurses Association has introduced a "Healing Greed Agenda" outlining its priorities for the 2024 Minnesota legislative session, including a limit on CEO pay at nonprofit hospitals. The union, which represents 22,000 registered nurses and other healthcare professionals in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Iowa, did not indicate a specific amount in its agenda.

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Patient navigator intervention to improve palliative care outcomes for Hispanic patients with serious non-cancer illness a randomized clinical trial

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Patient navigator intervention to improve palliative care outcomes for Hispanic patients with serious non-cancer illness a randomized clinical trial JAMA Intern. Med, by Stacy M. Fischer, MD; Sung-Joon Min, PhD; Danielle M. Kline, MS; et al; 2/212/24Importance: Disparities persist across the trajectory of serious illness, including at the end of life. Patient navigation has been shown to reduce disparities and improve outcomes for underserved populations.Objective: To determine the effectiveness of a lay patient navigator intervention, Apoyo con Cariño, in improving palliative care outcomes among Hispanic patients.

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ChatGPT analyzes speech patterns to identify Alzheimer’s 87 percent of the time, researchers show

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

ChatGPT analyzes speech patterns to identify Alzheimer’s 87 percent of the time, researchers showMcKnight's Senior Living, by Aaron Dorman; 2/9/24Since ChatGPT went live roughly 15 months ago, researchers have been studying whether artificial intelligence tools can be used to treat or predict Alzheimer’s... One of the main symptoms of dementia, even at earlier stages, is confusion or speech difficulties... ChatGPT was able to correctly identify Alzheimer’s 87% of the time, a new study shows.

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8 C-suite roles to watch

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

8 C-suite roles to watchBecker's Hospital Review, by Alexis Kayser, 2/8/24In the past year, more than 40 health systems have taken a closer look at their leadership teams — adding, subtracting, redesigning and combining roles to position their C-suites for the future. [Click on the title's link for] eight evolving executive positions Becker's is tracking.

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