Literature Review
Omega - Journal of Death and Dying - June 2024
07/27/24 at 03:00 AMOmega - Journal of Death and Dying - June 2024 Sage Journals - Omega - Journal of Death and Dying; June 2024 issue Omega - Journal of Death and Dying, a peer-reviewed journal that says it brings insight into terminal illness, the process of dying, bereavement, mourning, funeral customs and suicide, published research articles on the following topics in its June 2024 edition (Vol. 89, Issue 2). [A few sample topics include the following:]
Palliative Medicine - June 2024 Issue
07/27/24 at 03:00 AMPalliative Medicine - June 2024 Issue
Further psychometric evaluation of the eight-item Hospice Philosophy Scale: Results from a national sample of interdisciplinary hospice clinicians
07/27/24 at 03:00 AMFurther psychometric evaluation of the eight-item Hospice Philosophy Scale: Results from a national sample of interdisciplinary hospice clinicians Journal of Applied Gerontology; by Todd D Becker, Sarah E Clem, Paul Sacco, John G Cagle, Joan K Davitt, Nancy Kusmaul; 7/20/24 online ahead of print This study examined the psychometric properties of the eight-item Hospice Philosophy Scale (HPS-8) through confirmatory factor analysis; differential item functioning by age, gender, race, and professional discipline; and internal consistency reliability. ... Our results support the HPS-8 as a valid and reliable measure of attitudes toward the hospice philosophy of care in hospice clinicians.
"I often just don't know what to say!": Variations in multidisciplinary palliative care clinicians' confidence and needs related to spiritual care
07/27/24 at 03:00 AM"I often just don't know what to say!": Variations in multidisciplinary palliative care clinicians' confidence and needs related to spiritual care American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care; by Megan Miller, William E Rosa, Haley Buller, Meghan McDarby, Betty R Ferrell; 7/22/24 online ahead of print Spiritual care is a core component of high-quality palliative care, yet gaps exist in spiritual care provision. ... Findings reveal varied levels of confidence with spiritual care across dimensions. Chaplains reported the highest levels of confidence compared with nurses and social workers. Key areas of knowledge/skills to improve spiritual care provision were: (1) Training and support for clinicians in spiritual care; (2) Strategies for providing spiritual care to patients from diverse cultural and/or religious backgrounds; (3) Better understanding of specific populations and contexts that may affect spiritual care provision; and (4) Clinicians' personal growth & practices to improve spiritual care.
The home-based experiences of palliative and hospice care for children and caregivers (EXPERIENCE) Measure: evaluation of psychometric properties
07/27/24 at 03:00 AMThe home-based experiences of palliative and hospice care for children and caregivers (EXPERIENCE) Measure: evaluation of psychometric propertiesJournal of Pain and Symptom Management; by Jackelyn Y Boyden, Mary Ersek, Kimberley A Widger, Judy A Shea, Chris Feudtner; 6/24Home-based pediatric palliative and hospice care (PPHC) supports the hundreds of thousands of children with serious illness and complex care needs and their families in the home setting. The EXPERIENCE Measure is a tool with evidence for reliable and valid scores to evaluate family-reported home-based PPHC experiences at the time care is being received.
Saturday newsletters
07/27/24 at 03:00 AMSaturday newsletters focus on headlines and research - enjoy!
Medicare-Covered Services Near the End of Life in Medicare Advantage vs Traditional Medicare
07/27/24 at 03:00 AMMedicare-Covered Services Near the End of Life in Medicare Advantage vs Traditional MedicareJAMA Health Forum; by Lauren Hersch Nicholas, Stacy M Fischer, Alicia I Arbaje, Marcelo Coca Perraillon, Christine D Jones, Daniel Polsky; 7/24Financial incentives in Medicare Advantage (MA), the managed care alternative to traditional Medicare (TM), were designed to reduce overutilization. For patients near the end of life (EOL), MA incentives may reduce potentially burdensome care and encourage hospice but could also restrict access to costly but necessary services. MA enrollment was associated with lower rates of potentially burdensome and facility-based care near the EOL. Greater use of home-based care may improve quality of care but may also leave patients without adequate assistance after hospitalization.
Hospice House of Williamsburg halts admissions for 3 months during renovations
07/26/24 at 03:30 AMHospice House of Williamsburg halts admissions for 3 months during renovations WHRO; by Nick McNamara; 7/18/24 Hospice House of Williamsburg is pausing admissions while the facility enters the final phase of renovations. Hospice House has provided end-of-life care and support for upwards of 150 guests annually since its facility opened in 2002. More than 3,000 people have stepped through its Powhatan Parkway doors in that time. And it did it all free of charge, according to Executive Director Brandon Randall. ... To meet that mission, the nonprofit relies on community donations to the tune of $1 million per year. Donations are also what made Hospice House’s renovations possible. ... The final phase of renovations starts in July and is expected to be complete in 12 weeks. During that time, staff will continue offering bereavement support services.
‘Green burials’ grow in popularity as alternatives to traditional funerals
07/26/24 at 03:00 AM‘Green burials’ grow in popularity as alternatives to traditional funerals Planet Detroit; by Erica Hobbs; 7/24/24|... [Modern] funeral practices are wreaking havoc on the environment. Bodies are embalmed with toxic chemicals and buried in caskets placed in non-biodegradable vaults that take up increasingly limited space in cemeteries. According to a Cornell University study, an estimated 4.3 million gallons of embalming fluid, 20 million feet of hardwood, 1.6 million tons of concrete and 64,500 tons of steel are used in American burials yearly. Even cremation — often thought of as a green alternative to burial — requires up to 500 gallons of fuel and releases up to 250 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, according to a recent study from the Green Burial Council (GBC). However, for those looking to reduce their carbon footprints even in death, green options, though still relatively rare, are available in Michigan. ... [Click on the title's link to continue reading these descriptions of "green burials."]
[NJ] Governor Murphy signs "Louisa Carman Medical Debt Relief Act”
07/26/24 at 03:00 AM[NJ] Governor Murphy signs "Louisa Carman Medical Debt Relief Act” Official Site of the State of New Jersey; 7/22/24 Governor Phil Murphy today signed the Louisa Carman Medical Debt Relief Act which will help New Jersey families avoid falling into medical debt and protect individuals from predatory medical debt collectors. The Louisa Carman Medical Debt Relief Act is named in honor of a member of the Governor’s Office who helped craft the proposal before tragically passing away in a car accident on New Year’s Day at the age of 25. Joined by Louisa’s family and advocates, the Governor signed the bill, advancing his Administration’s efforts to make New Jersey’s health care system more accessible and more affordable for more people.
Hospice driving 'die-alogue' series sparks end-of-life conversations
07/26/24 at 03:00 AMHospice driving 'die-alogue' series sparks end-of-life conversations OrilliaMatters; by Giesele Winton Sarvis; 7/21/24 Comedian Jerry Seinfeld was the inspiration for Driving Die-alogues created by Hospice Huronia [Ontario, Canada]. Debbie Kesheshian, executive director of Hospice Huronia, and Tammy Vater, the supportive care coordinator, were trying to think of a way to normalize conversation around the often taboo subject of death and dying. They decided to follow Seinfeld's model with his show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, where Seinfeld picks up a fellow comedian and they have a chat while going for coffee. "Tammy and I thought let’s go for a drive and have a conversation that is just normal and human. Her and I ask a question and we go back and forward with open dialogue," says Kesheshian. A year later, the duo have created approximately 30 short videos posted on YouTube and the Hospice website and they plan on creating more.
Southern California doctor defrauded over $3.2 million from Medicare
07/26/24 at 03:00 AMSouthern California doctor defrauded over $3.2 million from MedicareKTLA; by Vivian Chow; 7/24/24A Southern California doctor was convicted of defrauding Medicare out of millions of dollars through a multi-year scheme. Victor Contreras, 68, of Santa Paula, worked for two Pasadena hospices, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. From July 2016 to February 2019, Contreras and an accomplice, Juanita Antenor, 61, worked to defraud Medicare by submitting nearly $4 million in fraudulent claims for hospice services, officials said. The hospice companies — Arcadia Hospice Provider Inc. and Saint Mariam Hospice Inc. — were controlled by Antenor.
AMA Advocacy issue briefs
07/26/24 at 03:00 AMAMA Advocacy issue briefsAmerican Medical Association; 7/24/24 Issue briefs summarize key health policy issues by providing concise and easily digestible content targeting both relevant stakeholders and those who may know little about the topic. Contents: Medicare & Medicaid; Telehealth; Scope of practice; Prior authorization; Reducing physician burnout; Practice management; Overdose and mental health/substance use disorder parity; Access to affordable, high-value care; Health care costs & price transparency; Drug costs & pricing; Hospitals & health systems; State medical liability reform; LGBTQ+ health; The business of medicine; Public health improvement; Essential Tools & Resources.
[Michigan] Local PACE center in the works
07/26/24 at 03:00 AM[Michigan] Local PACE center in the works WCMU Michigan News Group, Alpena, MI; by Courtney Boyd; 7/24/24 Construction has begun for a new senior service center in Alpena, which will provide services in-house and to residents homes as needed. The project has been in the works since 2023. The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide the “highest quality of life” for seniors while allowing them to stay independent as long as possible. According to their website,, it serves as an alternative to nursing homes by providing seniors with their medical, social, and physical needs. ... [This] new center will be the 15th in the state and cover five counties: Alpena, Presque Isle, Montmorency, Alcona and parts of Iosco.
Can Artificial Intelligence speak for incapacitated patients at the end of life?
07/26/24 at 03:00 AMCan Artificial Intelligence speak for incapacitated patients at the end of life? JAMA Internal Medicine; by Teva D. Brender, MD; Alexander K. Smith, MD; Brian L. Block, MD; 7/22/24 Viewpoint: Imagine meeting with the daughter of a critically ill patient. The patient (her mother) had a cardiac arrest, is in multiorgan failure, and cannot communicate. The daughter is uncomfortable making decisions because they are estranged and never discussed what her mother would want in this type of situation. The patient has no advance directive or alternative surrogate. Now imagine this meeting taking place in a future where the mother’s medical visits have been audio recorded. Furthermore, you have access to an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that can identify and play excerpts of the mother talking about what mattered most to her. You and the daughter listen to these recordings together. Then you share that another algorithm, trained on 7 million patient records, predicts that the mother’s chance of walking again is less than 5%. ...
Today's Encouragement: Each of us has a fire in our hearts ...
07/26/24 at 03:00 AMEach of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It's our goal in life to find it and keep it lit. ~ Mary Lou Retton, American gymnast and five-time Olympic medalist
“At home, even the walls help”: Exploring the palliative care needs, experiences, preferences, and hopes of older people with serious illness in Ukraine (July 2024)
07/26/24 at 03:00 AM“At home, even the walls help”: Exploring the palliative care needs, experiences, preferences, and hopes of older people with serious illness in Ukraine (July 2024) OCHA Services; by HelpAge; 7/24/24 Older Ukrainians living with serious illness face significant concerns and challenges within the political, environmental, and social context of the ongoing armed conflict, according to a new report published by HelpAge International, in partnership with HelpAge USA. ... The report highlights an innovative project funded by GlobalGiving which provides palliative care services in Ukraine. It underscores the profound challenges faced by older people due to the combined toll of disease and the ongoing war, and offers key recommendations to enhance their care and support. “Our findings reveal the unimaginable burden faced by older people living with serious illnesses in the midst of war. We are deeply grateful for the generous support of GlobalGiving, which has allowed us to highlight these issues and work to ensure that older people’s needs and preferences are included in healthcare system planning during humanitarian crises,” said Cindy Cox-Roman, CEO and president of HelpAge USA.
Executive Personnel Changes - 7/26/24
07/26/24 at 03:00 AMExecutive Personnel Changes - 7/26/24
5 evolving trends on end-of-life matters
07/26/24 at 02:55 AM5 evolving trends on end-of-life matters The Leavenworth Echo, Wenatchee, WA; 7/21/24 One of the most difficult conversations many people have in their lives involves the end of life. While often uncomfortable to think about or discuss with others, talking about and sharing end-of-life wishes should be a common occurrence. In fact, 91% of Americans believe talking about death and dying is healthy and normal, but 1 in 4 (27%) are uncomfortable actually doing it, according to a first-of-its-kind survey commissioned by the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), the world’s leading and largest funeral service association. With nearly one-third (31%) of survey respondents admitting they’re uncomfortable thinking about their own mortality, Remembering A Life, the organization’s online resource for accessing grief resources and funeral planning information, is offering a free downloadable guide, Start the Conversation, to help family and friends have meaningful conversations about loved ones and how they’d like to be remembered.
Over a hundred motorcyclists parade through Twin Falls to honor local hospice patient
07/26/24 at 02:55 AMOver a hundred motorcyclists parade through Twin Falls to honor local hospice patient KMVT-11, Twin Falls, ID; by Cole Quinn; 7/22/24 The roar of over one hundred motorbikes swept through Twin Falls on Sunday afternoon. Motorcyclists from as far away as Boise and Pocatello joined in for a parade, all dedicated to one man. Thomas Willie is a 74-year-old hospice patient with Harrison’s Hope Hospice Family in Twin Falls, a non-profit with a wish program for their patients. ... “It was one hundred percent texting, I think there was some social media, it was one hundred percent a who-you-know sort of thing,” said Devin Bernal, Director of Clinical Services. “Our team in Meridian and our team here in Twin Falls they just got busy and started reaching out to people.”
A 'TsunamAI' of change is coming to healthcare
07/26/24 at 02:00 AMA 'TsunamAI' of change is coming to healthcareForbes; by Lee Shapiro; 7/24/24 In the last 50 years, there have been significant developments that have forever improved the delivery of healthcare. Consider imaging (MRI/CT scans), minimally invasive surgery, anti-viral therapies, precision medicine (e.g., CRISPR and gene editing) and near or complete eradication of diseases like polio and smallpox. As we look back 50 years from now, we will have experienced seismic changes from AI. When I've spoken with healthcare leaders, they've pointed to a progression of AI adoption that will occur in the following three categories, which you should consider for your organization: administrative, research and development, and care delivery.
How home-based care’s leaders foster a multi-generational workforce
07/26/24 at 02:00 AMHow home-based care’s leaders foster a multi-generational workforce Home Health Care News; by Joyce Famakinwa; 7/23/24 In order for the home-based care space to benefit from the demographic tailwinds coming its way, it needs to embrace emerging leaders who are bringing in fresh ideas. VNS Health, Andwell Health Partners and UVA Continuum Home Health are just a few of the companies that are throwing their support behind the next generation of leaders. ... Formerly Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice, Andwell is a nonprofit operator that offers home health, hospice, palliative, behavioral health and pediatric care services. The company employs over 500 workers across all 16 counties in Maine. Along with cultivating the next crop of leaders, companies are figuring out how best to work with a multi-generational workforce.
Acupuncture as a support in palliative care at Sun City Center HAW
07/25/24 at 03:30 AMAcupuncture as a support in palliative care at Sun City Center HAW The Tidewater News, Ruskin, FL; 7/22/24 Sun City Center Health and Wellness (HAW) is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for patients managing serious illnesses, championing the use of acupuncture as a key supportive treatment in palliative care. This practice, grounded in traditional Chinese medicine, offers relief from common symptoms and enhances overall well-being. ... The role of acupuncture in palliative care is gaining recognition for its potential to improve the quality of life for patients dealing with serious illnesses.
Amorem names new Chief Executive Officer
07/25/24 at 03:00 AMAMOREM names new Chief Executive Officer WKSK 93.5 West Jefferson, NC; 7/23/24 On Monday evening, the AMOREM Board of Directors named April Moore as the organization’s new chief executive officer. Moore began her career in hospice in 2004 ... with Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care, which integrated with Burke Hospice and Palliative Care in 2021 to form AMOREM. ... Since the integration, she oversaw the building project for AMOREM’s palliative care center in Boone. She currently leads the building project for AMOREM’s patient care unit in Boone, set to open in early 2025. ... “The Board of Directors is thrilled to announce the hiring of April Moore as CEO of AMOREM,” AMOREM Board of Directors Chairman Jordan Greene ... “April has shown 20 years of leadership, dedication and love for our organization. Her commitment to the mission, vision and values of AMOREM is second to none. April is the definition of the hospice heart."