Literature Review

All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Advanced Illness Management News.”

Music Therapy intervention to reduce symptom burden in hospice patients: A descriptive study

03/21/24 at 03:00 AM

Music Therapy intervention to reduce symptom burden in hospice patients: A descriptive study American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care; by Madison H Estell, Kevin J Whitford, Angela M Ulrich, Brianna E Larsen, Christina Wood, Maureen L Bigelow, Travis J Dockter, Kimberly L Schoonover, Amy J Stelpflug, Jacob J Strand, Monica P Walton, Maria I Lapid; 3/19/24 online ahead of printResults: Patients reported a reduction in symptom severity and emotional distress and an increase in QOL. All patients endorsed satisfaction with music therapy, describing it as particularly beneficial for stress relief, relaxation, spiritual support, emotional support, and well-being. Scores on overall QOL and stress were worse for caregivers. 

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Giving hospice patients a dignified end-of-life experience

03/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Giving hospice patients a dignified end-of-life experience Steve Adubato On the Air, with Charles Vialotti, MD; 3/13/24On--location at Villa Marie Claire Residential Hospice, Steve Adubato is joined by medical director, Charles Vialotti, MD to talk about his personal commitment to hospice care and giving residents and their families a dignified end-of-life experience.

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Creating a community-led telehealth approach for supportive cancer care

03/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Creating a community-led telehealth approach for supportive cancer care mHealthIntelligence, by Anuja Vaidya; 3/18/24 Tennessee Oncology is joining forces with rural patients to explore strategies for expanding telehealth access to supportive cancer care services. ... The NEST program aims to expand access to palliative care, psychology, and integrative oncology and nutrition services among rural cancer patients in seven Middle Tennessee counties: Robertson, Dickson, Putnam, Dekalb, Warren, Bedford, and Coffee counties.

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Legendary healthcare researcher John E. Wennberg, who shaped efforts to reform the nation’s healthcare system, dies at 89

03/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Legendary healthcare researcher John E. Wennberg, who shaped efforts to reform the nation’s healthcare system, dies at 89Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, by Susan Green; 3/18/24John E. (Jack) Wennberg, MD, MPH, founder and director emeritus of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, the Peggy Y. Thomson Professor in the Evaluative Clinical Sciences Emeritus at the Geisel School of Medicine, and founding editor of the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, died March 10, 2024. He was 89 years old. “His work pioneered a field that has grown into an entirely new academic discipline in medicine,” Duane Compton, PhD, Geisel School of Medicine dean, says. ... Wennberg focused on improving decision quality by combining better clinical evidence with informed patient preferences. The introduction of shared decision-making between clinicians and patients to preserve warranted variation due to patient preferences is now embedded in health policies across the globe.

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Signs of end-stage Parkinson's disease

03/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Signs of end-stage Parkinson's disease Medical News Today; Medically reviewed by Heidi Moawad, MD, by Meara Withe; 3/18/24... Understanding the signs of end-stage Parkinson’s disease is crucial for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike. This article explores the physical health, mental health, and emotional dimensions of end-stage Parkinson’s, shedding light on what to expect and how to provide compassionate care during this demanding phase. Editor's Note: Hospice and palliative non-medical interdisciplinary team members need to understand disease-specific factors related to the patient's experience and the family caregiver's challenges. These include social workers, chaplains, counselors, and caregiver-oriented volunteers.  

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Improvements in interdisciplinary communication following the implementation of a standardized Handoff Curriculum: SAFETIPS

03/20/24 at 02:30 AM

Improvements in Interdisciplinary Communication Following the implementation of a standardized Handoff Curriculum: SAFETIPS (Statistics, Assessment, Focused Plan, Pertinent Exam findings, to Dos, If/Thens, Pointers/Pitfalls, and Severity of Illness) Cureus, by Shaefali Shandilya and Justen M. Aprile; 3/18/24 Handoffs between medical providers serve a crucial patient safety function. While most published literature on the topic studies the handover process among physicians, robust literature is available on interdisciplinary medical communication. Little is known about the downstream effects of effective physician handover on subsequent physician and nursing interactions. ...Results: Statistical analysis revealed significant post-intervention mean score increases of one full point in four categories, namely organization and efficiency, communication, content, and clinical judgment.

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Palliative Care as ‘Personalized Medicine’

03/19/24 at 03:00 AM

Palliative Care as ‘Personalized Medicine’Hospice News, by Jim Parker; 3/18/24The term “personalized medicine” is often used to describe health needs based on a patient’s genetics. However, more stakeholders are applying the term to palliative care. Personalized medicine is a step away from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to health care. The model uses information gathered from a patient’s genome to plan for care, treatment and services, and to some extent, predict a likely health trajectory, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health.

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Navigating difficult conversations with patients with terminal cancer diagnoses

03/19/24 at 02:00 AM

Navigating difficult conversations with patients with terminal cancer diagnoses Oncology Nursing News, by Darlene Dobkowski, MA; 3/18/24 Although oncology nurses need strong communication skills to help all of their patients navigate their cancer journeys, it is critical to have the ability to have difficult conversations with patients who received a terminal diagnosis, ... Betty Ferrell, Ph.D., M.S.N., CHPN, director and professor in the Division of Nursing Research and Education in the Department of Population Sciences at City of Hope in Duarte, California, said in an interview with Oncology Nursing News. For the past 24 years, her institution has been directing a project called the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC), which is a palliative care training program and includes a module focused on communication.  ... “One of the things that we teach nurses is … that your No. 1 job is to listen,” Ferrell said. “Another thing that we say to nurses is, it is not your job to have all the answers. Patients ask very unanswerable questions. ‘Why me?’ is not an answerable question. But when a patient says, ‘Why me,’ then we want nurses to have good communication skills to say, ‘I can imagine why you're asking that question. Because as you've shared with me, you had no idea that you might be diagnosed with cancer, or you're the first person in your family to ever have cancer.’”

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Hospices stepping up performance on visits-in-last-days-of-life measure

03/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospices stepping up performance on visits-in-last-days-of-life measure Hospice News, by Jim Parker; 3/14/24 Hospices, in aggregate, are showing improvement on the quality measure for visits in the last days of life. The number of registered nurse and social worker visits during a patient’s final week is one of the seven quality measures that CMS uses to evaluate providers. In Calendar Year 2021, the share of hospice care days with nurse visits in the last seven days of life rose to 63%, up from 62% year over year, according to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). 

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Hines VA introduces new monitoring system for hospice and nursing home Veterans

03/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Hines VA introduces new monitoring system for hospice and nursing home Veterans VA Press Release; 3/15/24 Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital has begun integrating a new patient monitoring system to improve Veteran health and assist medical staff. The AvaSure© Continuous Video Monitoring System places portable cameras in patients’ rooms who may need closer monitoring. Staff can observe up to 15 patients simultaneously through a virtual interface to monitor for issues such as a patient out of bed or patient-caused medical device interference. ... The monitoring system will be used in Hines VA’s Community Living Center (CLC), which includes short- and long-term nursing home care and hospice. 

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Preventing adverse drug events in hospice care

03/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Preventing adverse drug events in hospice care Hospice News, by Holly Vossel; 3/15/24 Documentation errors and a fragmented health system pose the greatest risks for adverse drug events among hospices. ... Evaluating these risks involves having solid medication reconciliation processes in place — both at the time of a patient’s admission and throughout their end-of life care experience, according to Mary Lynn McPherson, professor and executive program director of advanced post-graduate education in palliative care at the University of Maryland’s School of Pharmacy. McPherson also serves on the board of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM).

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Clinician perspectives on integrating neuro-oncology and palliative care for patients with high-grade glioma

03/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Clinician perspectives on integrating neuro-oncology and palliative care for patients with high-grade glioma  Oxford Academic Neuro-Oncology Practice; by Rita C Crooms, MD MPH; Jeannys F Nnemnbeng, MD MS RRT; Jennie W Taylor, MD MPH; Nathan E Goldstein, MD; Ksenia Gorbenko, PhD; Barbara G Vickrey, MD MPH; 3/14/24  Background/objectives: Patients with high-grade glioma have high palliative care needs, yet few receive palliative care consultation. This study aims to explore themes on 1) benefits of primary (delivered by neuro-oncologists) and specialty (SPC) palliative care and 2) barriers to SPC referral, according to a diverse sample of clinicians.

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Breast cancer palliative care and metastatic disease: Looking beyond end of life

03/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Breast cancer palliative care and metastatic disease: Looking beyond end of life MedPage Today, by Shalmali Pal; 3/15/24 ... It is important to inform patients that they can receive palliative care at any timeopens in a new tab or window during their treatment, from the time of diagnosis to end of life. ... At some juncture, the options for metastatic breast cancer treatment become limited. Progression can be classified into four general types: 

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Specialized nursing facility clinicians improve end-of-life care

03/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Specialized nursing facility clinicians improve end-of-life care Cornell Chronicle, by Marijke Vroomen Durning, Weill Cornell Medicine; 3/15/24 Specialized nursing facility clinicians, or SNFists, may decrease the likelihood of nursing home residents experiencing stressful hospitalizations and improve the quality of life in their last days, according to researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine. The paper, published March 15 in JAMA Network Open, examined how SNFists uniquely impacted the care of nursing home residents in their last 90 days, compared with those cared for by other clinicians. This large-scale study is the first of its kind. 

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Palliative and end-of-life care in hematologic malignancies: Progress and opportunities

03/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Palliative and end-of-life care in hematologic malignancies: Progress and opportunities JCO Oncology Practice, by Mazie Tsang, MD, MAS, MS and Thomas W. LeBlanc, MD, MA, MHS, FAAHPM, FASC; 3/13/24 ... An important finding from this study was the qualitative data from narratives of volunteer caregivers and hospice staff that described daily patient care, changes in patient status, perceived symptom burden, and indications for medication administration. The authors identified skin integrity concerns, bleeding, pathologic fractures, and delirium as unique issues for patients with hematologic malignancies enrolled on hospice. ... These findings provide further evidence that hospice care can and does work well for some patients with hematologic malignancies. 

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Responding to Soul Injury: Tools for hope and healing

03/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Responding to Soul Injury: Tools for hope and healing Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing; by Deborah Grassman, Abi Katz, Luann Conforti-Brown, Josephine F Wilson, Angie Snyder; 3/13/24Soul Injury is defined as a wound that separates a person from their real self, caused by unmourned loss and hurt, unforgiven guilt and shame, and fear of helplessness or loss of control. Tools and interventions have been developed to guide people impacted by Soul Injury. This study assessed the effectiveness of 12 tools and interventions, ... The Anchor Your Heart tool was the most frequently used tool and had the most enduring utilization across time and settings.Editor's Note: Click here for The Anchor Your Heart Tool identified in this article. Share this research and article with your clinical teams and bereavement counselors.

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Heart failure staging and indications for advanced therapies in adults with congenital heart disease

03/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Heart failure staging and indications for advanced therapies in adults with Congenital Heart DiseaseHeart Failure Clinics / Elsevier, by Alexander C Egbe and Heidi M Connolly; pre-publish 4/24 via onlineSummary: Heart Failure (HF) is common in adults with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD), United States, and it is the leading cause of death in this population. Adults with CHD presenting with stage D HF have a poor prognosis, and early recognition of signs of advanced HF, and referral for advanced therapies for HF offer the best survival as compared with other therapies. The indications for advanced therapies for HF outlined in this article should serve as a guide for clinicians to determine the optimal time for referral. Palliative care should be part of the multidisciplinary care model for HF in patients with CHD.

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Doctor with terminal cancer shares the three things everyone should consider doing to prepare for death

03/15/24 at 02:30 AM

Doctor with terminal cancer shares the three things everyone should consider doing to prepare for deathYour Tango, by Alexandra Blogier; 3/12/24Kim is a resident doctor who was diagnosed with metastatic sarcoma when she was 28 years old. She invites people to see what her life is like, as both a medical resident and a cancer patient, focusing on the practice of gratitude and being present. ... Kim revealed the three most important things she’s done as a cancer patient to get the administrative side of her affairs in order, which she recommends everyone do, even if they're not sick.

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In the resuscitation discussion, do words matter between doctors and patients?

03/15/24 at 02:15 AM

In the resuscitation discussion, do words matter between doctors and patients? Rutgers, by Patti Zielinski; 3/12/24Rutgers Health researchers seek to reduce barriers to physicians having code status conversations with older adults. ... The study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, sought to determine the best language doctors could use when discussing a patient’s code status to reduce the barrier to having these conversations. It found that it takes less than five minutes on average for doctors to have discussions going over what CPR is, what a patient’s preference might be and making a decision that patients felt comfortable with regarding whether they want to be resuscitated, according to the study.Editor's Note: Click on the title above for the summary description; click here for the detailed research article, "Aligning patient values and code status: Choice of Diction's Effect (CODE) study.

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What are ageing and death from a biological point of view?

03/15/24 at 02:00 AM

What are ageing and death from a biological point of view? Polytchnique insights, by Alexis Gautreau and Clemence Guillermain; 3/12/24 Linking philosophy and biology may seem strange. Yet there are many subjects where the two disciplines come into play and are, in turn, essential to understanding them. Death is a perfect example. This biological reality remains an abstract concept until we experience it in our own lives. But, however abstract it may be, death is based on a biological reality. 

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Can we make more accurate prognoses during last days of life?

03/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Can we make more accurate prognoses during last days of life?Journal of Palliative Medicine; by Sylvie Bouchard, Andreea Paula Iancu, Elena Neamt, François Collette, Sylvie Dufresne, Patricia Maureen Guercin, Suganthiny Jeyaganth, Desanka Kovacina, Taliá Malagón, Laurie Musgrave, Marilisa Romano, Jenny Wong, Sybil Skinner-Robertson; 3/8/24Background: ... Established methods (Palliative Performance Scale [PPS], Palliative Prognostic Index [PPI]) have been validated for intermediate- to long-term prognoses, but last-weeks-of-life prognosis has not been well studied. Patients admitted to a palliative care facility often have a life expectancy of less than three weeks. Reliable last-weeks-of-life prognostic tools are needed. Conclusions: ... Using SPS [Short-Term Prognosis Signs] along with PPS and PPI during the last weeks of life could enable a more precise short-term survival prediction across various end-of-life diagnoses. The translation of this research into clinical practice could lead to a better adapted treatment, the identification of a most appropriate care setting for patients, and improved communication of prognosis with patients and families.

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[ALS] Controlling what can be controlled: Palliative Care

03/14/24 at 03:00 AM

[ALS] Controlling what can be controlled: Palliative Care ALS Association [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, commonly known as "Lou Gehrig's Disease]; 3/13/24 “Palliative care specialists can help people determine and define what are the ‘everyday things’ that matter to them. Some people may already know what these are but may not have had an opportunity to share this information with their health care team,” Dr. Mehta says. “Others may not know they can share this with their health care team. They may not know where to find help with these ‘everyday things.’ [Dr. Ambereen K. Mehta, MD, MPH, FAAHPM, associate professor of palliative care in the Departments of Medicine and Neurology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine]Editor's Note: Are your palliative care services connected with your local ALS Association? This page on the ALS website describes beautifully the benefits of palliative care as soon as the diagnosis occurs. 

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Oncology hospitalists improve hospice transitions for patients with advanced cancers

03/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Oncology hospitalists improve hospice transitions for patients with advanced cancers Yale School of Medicine, by Osman Moneer; 3/11/24Unplanned hospitalizations for patients with advanced cancer often trigger discussions about care goals and transitions to hospice. Late referrals to hospice, particularly near the end of life, have been associated with reduced quality of life and increased healthcare costs. A new research study published in Cancer investigates the impact of oncology hospitalists on the timing of hospice transitions for patients with advanced cancers. 

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ACC updates HFrEF Decision Pathway, reinforcing the Four Pillars of Therapy

03/13/24 at 03:00 AM

ACC updates HFrEF Decision Pathway, reinforcing the Four Pillars of Therapy

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Palliative care cuts costs for metastatic cancer

03/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Palliative care cuts costs for metastatic cancer

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