'Why we need to talk about dying': Thames Hospice and the reality of palliative care

04/30/24 at 02:15 AM

'Why we need to talk about dying': Thames Hospice and the reality of palliative care
Maidenhead Advertiser; by Sam Leech; 4/27/24
What is your understanding of what a hospice does?Many would suggest it is a place where people go to die – but there is much, much more to the journey of patients and loved ones at Thames Hospice [United Kingdom]. ... Catherine McLaughlin, the hospice’s chief executive, said: “This is a place where – yes, death is a big part – but it’s about how do you make memories? How do you give hope at a time when there might not be much of that? Those final days in somebody’s life is a very important time and the lasting memories are important to those who are left behind.”
Editor's Note: Too often--in order to make hospice palatable to another's "sign-on-the-dotted-line-so-we-can-admit-you"--marketing professionals overtly deny that hospice is about "dying," "death," or "grief." Take note from this CEO who sensitively weaves in death, dying and bereavement for not only hospice, but also for "palliative care" with gentle, authentic conversation and questions to the public.

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