Medicine—Both a Science (Care) and an Art (CARE)

04/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Medicine—Both a Science (Care) and an Art (CARE) 
JAMA Network - Viewpoint; by Theodore J. Strange, MD and Mario R. Castellanos, MD; 4/3/24
In the current era, health care is increasingly characterized by the integration of big data, predictive analytics, medical devices, and artificial intelligence. These technological advancements have undoubtedly transformed the landscape of medical care, offering unprecedented precision and efficiency in diagnosis and treatment. Yet, amidst this surge of scientific innovation, the timeless art of medicine (compassion and caring) remains a foundational aspect of patient-centered health care ... The acronym CARE (compassion, assistance, respect, and empathy) encapsulates these enduring values. ... In a world increasingly driven by data and algorithms, these qualities foster a trusting and supportive relationship between health care professionals and patients, thereby enhancing the healing process and enriching the overall health care experience.

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