Upskilling and retraining for talent innovation in the AI ​​era

05/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Upskilling and retraining for talent innovation in the AI ​​era 
Tech Trends Post; 5/13/24 
According to a report from the IBM Institute for Business Value, more than 60% of executives say generative AI will disrupt the way their organizations design customer and employee experiences. Employees must change to meet these demands. Many are turning to AI upskilling – the act of providing the workforce with the skills and training to use AI to do their jobs. ... A 2024 Gallup poll found that about 25% of workers worry that their jobs could become obsolete due to AI. ... [This article outlines the following:]

  • Upskilling and reskilling ...
  • Opportunities to advance AI skills across sectors and industries ...
  • How AI enhances upskilling opportunities ...
  • Why AI advancements provide added value to your organization ...
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