10 most common sentinel events in 2023: Joint Commission

05/17/24 at 03:00 AM

10 most common sentinel events in 2023: Joint Commission 
Becker's Clinical Leadership; by Mackenzie Bean; 5/15/24 
In 2023, patient falls were once again the most common sentinel event reported by healthcare organizations, according to a May 15 report from The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission defines a sentinel event as a patient safety event that results in death, permanent harm, severe temporary harm or intervention required to sustain life. ...  The 10 most frequently reported sentinel events for 2023:

  1. Falls — 48% [the other sentinel events are only at 8% or lower] ...

Editor's Note: Persons receiving hospice care can be especially vulnerable to high risks for falls. The person and/or caregiver/family members can be unaware to signs of decreased mobility, balance paired with cluttered floors and pathways. Changes in medication can affect blood pressure, dizziness, cognition, and more. Education is the key: for all interdisciplinary team members, caregivers, and family members. Social workers and chaplains can address emotional and spiritual dynamics of accepting limitations, fears of "giving up or giving in," finding quality of life, changing patient/caregiving needs and solutions, and more. What does your Quality data report about sentinel events, especially falls?

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