Three ways to communicate with Gen-Z—and why it’s important

05/29/24 at 02:00 AM

Three ways to communicate with Gen-Z—and why it’s important
Forbes; by Clarissa Windham-Bradstock; 5/28/24
"It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it!" ... Gen-Z (born 1996-2015) is leading the charge on this one, according to a new Gallup survey. ... They want to hear full transparency. ... How to Speak Gen-Z: ...

  1. Clarify your organization's mission and mission. ... 
  2. Foster connections. ...
  3. Let them be heard. ...

Editor's Note: Calling all hospice and palliative leaders born before 1996: Read, learn, listen, and reframe your communications with your Gen-Z employees. Identify a current conflict and examine your communications against this model and its guides. What communication changes can you pilot and evaluate? For an example, pair this with another article in today's newsletter, "What AccentCare’s clinicians wanted from the company’s AI implementation."

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