The 9 biggest challenges physicians face in daily practice: Survey

06/24/24 at 03:00 AM

The 9 biggest challenges physicians face in daily practice: Survey 
Becker's Hospital Review; by Ashleigh Hollowell; 6/20/24 
... The following challenges are the ones physicians most often ranked as very or somewhat significant as they relate to their day-to-day work:

  1. Administrative work — 66%
  2. Reimbursement issues — 57%
  3. Staffing shortages — 56%
  4. Staff turnover — 50% 
  5. Electronic health record reporting — 50%
  6. Billing and coding requirements — 49%
  7. Malpractice premiums — 40%
  8. Competition from nonphysician practitioners — 33%
  9. Collecting payment from self-pay patients — 29%

Physicians ranked telemedicine competition, practice mergers or sale issues, and competition with retail clinics or urgent care clinics as their least significant challenges. Regarding efforts to address these challenges, 56% said they have added nonphysician practitioners to their practice. Others are upgrading technology: 34% reported adding or revamping their patient portals and 32% implemented new scheduling. MedCentral's survey polled 864 physicians from April 16 to May 19 and was published June 20. 
Editor's Note: How do these challenges compare with your physicians' feedback? Ask. Do not assume. This information can be a great catalyst to initiate empathic outreach to and dialogue with your hospice and palliative physicians and nurse practitioners. 

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