Column: Hospice offers redirection of care

06/25/24 at 03:00 AM

Column: Hospice offers redirection of care 
The Andalusia Star News; by Vickie Wacaster; 6/22/24 
Watching someone you love grow weaker and weaker with each passing day is challenging. Yet, sadly, many of us experience this. In my own life, when my late husband was diagnosed with a terminal, non-curable, yet treatable disease, I felt we were living on a roller coaster of emotions, appointments, and treatment options. ... Every day was a journey into uncharted territory for both of us. ... It was only during the last few days that we found the strength to say “no more treatments” and asked for hospice. ... Physicians recognize that hospice is not a withdrawal of care but a redirection of care to meet the needs of patients with an advanced terminal illness/disease. ...
Editor's Note: The word "redirection" powerfully, easily shifts the course of care. The person remains at the center, with the focus being the person, not the disease. This is not a denial of dying and death, but rather a signpost, a gentle way to open the difficult conversation for providing information and asking "what matters most to you, now?" 

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