7 of the top tech and IT jobs in demand for the future

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

7 of the top tech and IT jobs in demand for the future 
TechTarget; by David Weldon; 6/24/24 
Businesses of the future will rely on workers with IT skills even more than they do today. Find out which jobs might be most in demand and what those roles entail. ... Organizations are having to create new tech roles and redefine existing ones to manage the integration of AI and data into core business functions. Meanwhile, cybersecurity continues to be a top concern, as do digital transformation and cloud computing. These challenges are increasing the demand for job roles that merge technical expertise with strategic business acumen. ... So, what will be some of the hottest IT jobs of the future? ... Roles are listed in alphabetical order. 

  • AI product manager ...
  • Business analyst ...
  • Chief AI officer ...
  • Chief technology officer ...
  • IT risk analyst
  • Prompt engineer
  • Security analyst/information security analyst
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