Factors affecting palliative care collaboration with pain medicine specialists

07/02/24 at 03:00 AM

Factors affecting palliative care collaboration with pain medicine specialists 
Clinical Pain Advisor; by James Maitlall, MD; 6/27/24 
Structured collaboration between physicians working in palliative care (PC) and pain medicine (PM) may increase PC physician referral of seriously ill patients to PM specialists and potentially optimize their care, according to study results published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. ... In a survey study, a multicenter team of investigators explored attitudes and beliefs among US PC physicians regarding PM specialists, as well as factors potentially impacting collaboration between physicians in these 2 areas of practice. ... The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) approved the survey for distribution to 1000 of its physician members, who were selected at random. ... The investigators concluded, “Although we found that PC physicians have highly positive attitudes about the value of PM specialists, referral rates remain low, even for IDDS implantation, which has perhaps the largest body of evidence for patients with complex cancer-associated pain.”  


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