A guide to making end-of-life decisions easier for your loved ones

07/04/24 at 03:00 AM

A guide to making end-of-life decisions easier for your loved ones 
The Detroit Jewish News; by Shari Cohen; 7/1/24 
It’s not a pleasant prospect, but each of us will eventually die. For family members, the death of a loved one brings sadness and a sense of loss but also a need to deal with practical matters. ... A new guidebook, Two Envelopes: What You Want Your Loved Ones To Know When You Die, by Rusty Rosman offers practical advice to help families with the death of a relative. ... While Rosman’s book is written from a Jewish perspective, as part of her research, she spoke with funeral directors and clergy from many religious and ethnic groups. ... Rabbi Joseph Krakoff, CEO of Jewish Hospice and Chaplaincy Network (JHCN), who wrote a preface for the book, describes it as “a great motivation to help people to think about these things. I encourage everyone to talk about it when they’re healthy,” he adds.

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