Literature Review
Today's Encouragement: In unity there is strength ...
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMIn unity, there is strength; when communities come together during a crisis, they can accomplish the impossible. ~ Amanda Ripley, The Unthinkable
Data points to need for trauma-centered care at end of life
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMData points to need for trauma-centered care at end of lifeMcKnight's Long-Term Care News; by Kristen Fischer; 10/2/24A new study has found that early life and cumulative trauma are linked to poorer physical and psychosocial health at the end of life. The report was published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Among participants, 19% reported no trauma, while 47% experienced one to two traumatic events and 25% had three to four traumatic events. A total of 9% of people reported more than five traumatic events in their lives. “Findings highlight the need for clinicians caring for seriously ill older adults to ensure interdisciplinary care for trauma symptoms and potentially adopting a trauma-informed approach to end-of-life care,” the authors wrote.
Hospitalists use POLST to initiate patient conversations about care goals
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMHospitalists use POLST to initiate patient conversations about care goals The Hospitalist; by Larry Beresford; 10/1/24 Physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST) is a single-page medical order form, typically printed on bright pink paper, and signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to spell out treatment preferences for a seriously ill or frail patient. It is also a process for exploring those preferences in conversation with patients and then communicating them to those who might need to know, such as EMS personnel, in some future medical emergency when the patients can no longer speak for themselves. And, said Steven Pantilat, MD, FAAHPM, MHM, a former clinical hospitalist and the inaugural chief of the division of palliative medicine at the University of California San Francisco, it is “solidly within what hospitalists can and should be doing.” That may involve meeting and talking with patients and their families about their values and treatment preferences, reviewing any existing POLST forms, and even filling out and signing a form.
Medicare Advantage is 'jeopardizing' rural hospitals, execs say
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMMedicare Advantage is 'jeopardizing' rural hospitals, execs sayBecker's Hospital CFO Report; by Alan Condon; 10/2/24Medicare Advantage is "failing patients" and "jeopardizing" Nebraska hospitals, according to a survey of 92 member hospitals from the Nebraska Hospital Association. MA provides health coverage to more than 55% of the nation's older adults, about 33.8 million people, but some hospitals and health systems are ending their contracts with MA plans over administrative challenges that include excessive prior authorization denial rates and slow payments from insurers. "Medicare Advantage challenges the future of critical access hospitals due to lower reimbursement rates, slower or denied payments, and increased administrative burdens," Jed Hansen, executive director of the Nebraska Rural Health Association, said during an Oct. 2 virtual meeting with hospital leaders. "Without changes to MA, our rural hospitals may be forced to cut staff and services, further harming patient care. Over time, some of our rural hospitals may be forced to close altogether."
Images of the dying: A podcast with Wendy MacNaughton, Lingsheng Li, and Frank Ostaseski
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMImages of the dying: A podcast with Wendy MacNaughton, Lingsheng Li, and Frank OstaseskiGeriPal [podcast]; 10/3/24In this episode, we [Alex Smith and Eric Widera] share the joy of talking with Wendy MacNaughton (artist, author, graphic journalist) and Frank Ostaseski (Buddhist teacher, author, founder of the Metta Institute and Zen Hospice Project) about using drawings and images as tools for creating human connections and processing death and dying.
Hospice policy mandating two-week enrollment prior to ingesting aid-in-dying medication
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMHospice policy mandating two-week enrollment prior to ingesting aid-in-dying medicationAcademy of Aid-in-Dying Medicine; by Constance Holden, Jeanne Kerwin, Paula Goodman-Crews, Margaret Pabst Battin; 10/2/24[A white paper from the ACAMAID Ethics Consultation Service.] An aid-in-dying-prescribing physician is concerned about a policy that several local hospices have implemented prohibiting patients from ingesting their aid-in-dying medication during the first two weeks of enrollment. The requesting provider is concerned that this policy requires patients who have made aid-in-dying requests to wait well beyond the 48 hours mandated by law. This potentially results in undue added suffering for the patient. It is also a potentially discriminatory practice, as it leads to unequal access to care.
Clinical capacity palliative care leaders’ top concern for 2025
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMClinical capacity palliative care leaders’ top concern for 2025Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 10/2/24Balancing rising demand with recruitment and retention tops the list of palliative care providers’ concerns heading into next year. Nearly 800 palliative care program leaders and interdisciplinary team members from across the country recently weighed in on a survey from the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC). Respondents included both adult and pediatric palliative care providers who provided feedback on their 2025 outlook in the organization’s first iteration of its annual Palliative Pulse survey. [Survey results included:]
SPECIAL EDITION: Helena & Hospice Updates
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMSPECIAL EDITION: Helena & Hospice UpdatesOur "Headlines" overload today focuses on Helena and Hospices: current status, ways we can support affected hospices, resources, and more. With a prelude to our "Today's Encouragement" post: In unity, there is strength; when communities come together during a crisis, they can accomplish the impossible. ~ Amanda Ripley
CMS to provide Hurricane Helene Public Health Emergency Accelerated and Advance Payments to Medicare Fee-for-Services providers and suppliers
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMCMS to Provide Hurricane Helene Public Health Emergency Accelerated and Advance Payments to Medicare Fee-for-Services Providers and SuppliersCMS press release; 10/2/24The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is taking action to support providers and suppliers impacted by Hurricane Helene within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster zones, under the President’s major disaster declarations. These providers and suppliers may face significant cash flow issues from the unusual circumstances impacting facilities’ operations, preventing facilities from submitting claims and receiving Medicare claims payments. As a result of the presidential disaster declaration, and HHS public health emergencies declared in the wake of Hurricane Helene, CMS made available accelerated payments to Medicare Part A providers and advance payments to Medicare Part B suppliers affected by Hurricane Helene beginning October 2, 2024.
$1.6M grant to focus on nursing home units to reduce racial disparities in dementia care
10/04/24 at 03:00 AM$1.6M grant to focus on nursing home units to reduce racial disparities in dementia care McKnights Long-Term Care News; by Jessica R. Towhey; 10/3/24 Emory University will use a $1.6 million, federal grant to investigate the role Alzheimer’s special care units play in reducing racial and ethnic disparities in dementia care within nursing homes. The research team will be led by Huiwen Xu, PhD, an associate professor in the university’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, who specializes in gerontology and elder health. The four-year grant from the National Institute on Aging will analyze quality of life and improved health outcomes in the specialized care units, which the school’s press release said are available in only 14% of nursing homes nationwide. Xu’s team will examine the underlying causes of racial disparities for Black and Hispanic residents, who have limited access to the memory care units, the release said.
Asian-American communities face ‘digital divide’ in health equity, hospice care
10/04/24 at 03:00 AMAsian-American communities face ‘digital divide’ in health equity, hospice care Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 10/1/24 Recent research has dug into the barriers limiting greater telehealth utilization among Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities. The data come at a time when hospices are striving to better understand how to improve those groups’ end-of-life trajectories. Technology utilization has gained momentum in health care, including in hospice care delivery. Though increased virtual health care access can help hospice providers reach patients upstream, the trend may be worsening disparities and outcomes among Asian American populations, according to Victoria Tsze, an outpatient hospice social worker at Tucson Medical Center (TMC) Hospice.
Top News Stories of the Month, September 2024
10/04/24 at 02:00 AMTop News Stories of the Month, September 2024
Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief Fund for home care & hospice employees in the Carolinas
10/04/24 at 02:00 AMHurricane Helene Disaster Relief Fund for home care & hospice employees in the CarolinasAssociation for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina (AHHC of NC); by Judy Penn, Executive Director; 10/3/24 Click here to DONATE. Click here to APPLY for Assistance. urricane Helene has severely impacted our community, with many lives already lost in the Carolinas, and countless missing with no means of communication. The Carolinas Foundation for Hospice & Home Care is accepting donations to distribute directly to hospice and home care employees devastated by this storm. Agencies are facing tremendous challenges, including displacement and/or evacuation of staff and patients, collapsed roads, failing infrastructure, lack of water, and the inability to communicate with downed lines. There is a major need for gas to continue to power generators for oxygen dependent patients both in home settings and hospice inpatient facilities. The Association staff has been in contact with government agencies to us keep up-to-date on the situation as it unfolds. Our industry is comprised of caring, compassionate individuals who help those in need. Please consider donating to the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund to help home care and hospice employees hit the hardest. ... 100% of ALL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS are being borne by the Association and the Foundation. 100% of your donation (tax-deductible) comes in, and 100% of your donation goes out.
AccentCare sued by EEOC for pay discrimination, retaliation
10/03/24 at 03:50 AMAccentCare sued by EEOC for pay discrimination, retaliationMcKnight's Home Care; by Adam Healy; 10/1/24The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission disclosed last week that it filed a lawsuit against AccentCare, a national provider of home health, personal care and hospice services, alleging wage discrimination and retaliation against workers.
Doctor explains hospice care misconceptions
10/03/24 at 03:30 AMDoctor explains hospice care misconceptions[NBC Denver] 9News; 9/25/24Dr. Payal Kohli explains what hospice care is, what they do at the care facility and explains the misconceptions around hospice.Publisher's note: Nice 5-minute TV interview about hospice.
Heartwarming video show calves bringing joy to hospice patients
10/03/24 at 03:25 AMHeartwarming video show calves bringing joy to hospice patients[Augusta, GA] Fox54 News; by Talker News; 9/26/24Carol Harland had family visiting her when she was surprised by the calves visiting. A heartwarming video shows end of life patients meeting and cuddling two adorable calves. Residents at Ashgate Hospice in Chesterfield, Derbys., spent their day being entertained by four-week-old Brown Swiss cows Bonnie and Bella. Carol Harland, 75, was only admitted into the hospice's inpatient unit two days before the "gorgeous" cows came and visited her but said she had a "lovely day." Carol, who has bowel cancer, said: "The cows have been gorgeous.
Utah husband DeWayne McCulla admits to trying to kill his wife in front of her family to ‘ease her suffering’ in hospice
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMUtah husband DeWayne McCulla admits to trying to kill his wife in front of her family to ‘ease her suffering’ in hospiceNew York Post; by Richard Pollina; 10/2/24A Utah man admitted that he tried to kill his terminally ill wife in hospice care in front of her family to “ease her suffering” during his battle with cancer. DeWayne McCulla, 46, pleaded guilty to attempted manslaughter on Thursday after he accepted a deal from prosecutors for choking his wife, Arenda McCulla, 47, according to court documents.
Today's Encouragement: ... We're all family right now ...
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMWhat I've what I've seen is, you know, sometimes you have friendly rivalries in the hospice and palliative care world. That's gone. We're all family right now and that--I just whew--that moves me to tears. That's the type of stuff that's like, you know what? Ok, that gives me hope that we are going to get beyond this. ~ Chris Comeaux, 10/2/24, near Asheville, NC, describing his hospice leadership experiences in the midst of Hurricane Helene's aftermath
Hurricane Helene havoc: Major damage, evacuations, uncertainty at nursing homes
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMHurricane Helene havoc: Major damage, evacuations, uncertainty at nursing homesMcKnight's Long-Term Care News; by John Roszkowski; 10/1/24Many nursing homes and senior living communities in Florida and North Carolina are reeling in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which resulted in forced evacuations of residents, major property damage, power outages and other issues. The hurricane was being blamed for at least 132 deaths in six Southeastern states and federal officials said at least 600 people were still unaccounted for as of Monday evening. Many people lacked power and cellular service, making the job of accurately assessing personal and property damage all the more difficult.
The HOPE assessment tool: What you need to know [free webinar from CHAP]
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMThe HOPE assessment tool: What you need to know [free webinar from CHAP]CHAP press release; 10/2/24The HOPE assessment tool kicks off in 2025 and will catalyze hospice care to a new level. CMS developed the HOPE tool to inform future quality measure development and payment reform, eventually moving hospice from pay-for-submission to pay-for-performance. This session will describe the implementation of the HOPE assessment tool, content highlights, and its impact on hospice program operations in the next several years.Publisher's note: Dr. Jennifer Kennedy and Kim Skehan from CHAP are presenting this free webinar 10/16/24 @ 1:00-2:00 PM ET. Please click the link above for addtional and registration information.
Breast cancer rising among younger women and Asian Americans, report finds
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMBreast cancer rising among younger women and Asian Americans, report findsNBC News; by Kaitlin Sullivan; 10/1/24Even as death rates from breast cancer have fallen, rates of new diagnoses continue to tick upwards, according to an American Cancer Society report. Americans have benefited from huge leaps in breast cancer treatment over the last two decades, but diagnoses are becoming more common, especially among younger women, according to a report published Tuesday by the American Cancer Society. The new report shows that breast cancer mortality has decreased by 44% since the late 1980s. Rates of breast cancer, however, have increased by 1% every year since 2012. In younger women, rates have increased at a faster clip — by about 1.4% every year since 2021.
Patient safety experts want progress on quality measure alignment
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMPatient safety experts want progress on quality measure alignmentModern Healthcare; by Mari Devereaux; 9/30/24Patient safety leaders say standardization is needed to prevent overlapping, conflicting reporting requirements that don’t improve health outcomes. Some are hopeful the industry could see progress in the next few years. Until then, overburdened providers are choosing to report on a handful of quality measures they decide are the most important.Publisher's note: Thinking of Joanne Lynn's efforts to standardize publicly available quality measures at the turn of the century - we'll get there!
Governor vetoes private equity bill that would have affected healthcare transactions
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMGovernor vetoes private equity bill that would have affected healthcare transactionsMcKnight's Senior Living; by Kathleen Steele Gaivin; 10/1/24California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Saturday vetoed a bill that would have required private equity firms and hedge fund organizations in the state to provide advance notice to the state’s attorney general of acquisitions or changes in control. The bill would have given the attorney general authority to grant, deny or impose conditions on a proposed transaction, after determining the likelihood of anticompetitive effects, “including a substantial risk of lessening competition or of tending to create a monopoly, or may create a significant effect on the access or availability of healthcare services to the affected community.” The governor’s veto “was a surprise to many in the healthcare industry,” Arent Fox Schiff attorneys wrote for the National Law Review.
Introducing the Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation (HOPE) tool [CMS webinar]
10/03/24 at 03:00 AMIntroducing the Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation (HOPE) tool [CMS webinar]CMS press release; 10/2/24The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training course that provides an overview of the Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation (HOPE) tool and how it relates to the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) as described in the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Hospice Final Rule. This training is intended for all hospice providers. The 30-minute course can be viewed on demand and includes interactive exercises to help you understand and apply the content presented. While it is intended that these eight lessons be completed in sequential order, you may also jump directly to any topic of interest.