Opportunity uncovered: How COVID-19 accelerated healthcare transformation

03/12/24 at 03:00 AM

Opportunity uncovered: How COVID-19 accelerated healthcare transformation 
Managed Healthcare Executive; by Patrick Horine, MHA; 3/6/24
The COVID-19 pandemic left an indelible mark on the healthcare landscape, spotlighting critical areas for improvement while accelerating transformations that were already underway. From addressing disparities in equity and access to adopting digital health strategies, the pandemic has forced healthcare to move swiftly to meet urgent needs. First, let us look at some of the issues we had been facing and how these were changed by the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic. ...

  • Healthcare equity and access ...
  • Digital health strategies ...
  • Acknowledgment of mental health parity ...
  • Staffing ...
  • Healthcare trends in response to change ...
  • Embracing opportunities to leverage trends ...
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