6 ways to cut EHR burdens for physicians

05/15/24 at 03:00 AM

6 ways to cut EHR burdens for physicians 
AMA - American Medical Association; by Sara Berg, MS; 5/7/24 
When Jane F. Fogg, MD, MPH, first became a doctor, patient charts were on paper. She looked forward to the rise of the EHR, believing electronic charting could help modernize the care she provided while also empowering herself and her patients. Funny how things turn out. “EHRs are a source of burnout—we have lots and lots of great evidence that has helped us understand the low usability and the high work burden that it adds to physicians,” Dr. Fogg, senior physician adviser at the AMA. ... Here are just a few ways that health systems and organizations can improve EHR workflows to reduce physician burden.

  1. Identify the pain points ...
  2. Ask the "why" of the current state ...
  3. Prioritize the work ...
  4. Change the EHR inbox workflow ...
  5. Eliminate, automate, delegate and collaborate ...
  6. Remove items that don't add value ... 
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