Health Equity Data Definitions, Standards, and Stratification: New resource available

05/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Health Equity Data Definitions, Standards, and Stratification: New resource available 
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; by CMS; May 2024
Resource of health equity-related data definitions, standards, and stratification practices
... This document serves as a technical resource that can be used by organizations and entities, such as providers, states, community organizations, and others, that wish to harmonize with CMS when collecting, stratifying, and/or analyzing health equity-related data. It may also clarify differences in results that may arise when different data standards and definitions are used. This document includes suggested definitions, standards, and stratification practices for the following sociodemographic elements:

  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Sex (assigned at birth)
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability status
  • Primary Language
  • English language proficiency
  • Rurality/urbanicity or residence

Editor's Note: Download this 13-page PDF and examine its contents with your hospice and palliative care services.

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